25:|Between Filming

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When we are filming a lot of it is just waiting around to be called to our next spot, hear action, and perform our lines.

3rd person POV

"Can you believe it hasn't happened yet?"Lizzy whispered

"Huh?" Scar didn't know what she was talking about

Lizzy looked in a direction of Keeley

Their eyes followed to see Keeely standing with Khloe talking yet Keeley was looking at something that wasn't her friend. She was smiling at Sebastian who was on the other side of the set standing with Chris and Mackie.

Sebastian was smiling right back at her. Their eyes were practically twinkling at one another as if they were speaking telepathically having their own conversation.

"Yeah" Scarlett didn't understand it ether "I don't know what they are waiting for"

"She clearly has the hots for him and he definitely likes her. He has to" They were two idiots who were dancing around their feelings.

"We all see it except them" Lizzy started explaining what they all know "I may think that they think the other doesn't like them like that and don't want to ruin the relationship that they already have- they've gotten pretty close."

They didn't even notice that Keeley and Khloe appeared next to them "What you girls talking about?"

Back to Keeley's POV

"Sebley" Scar plainly said not even hiding the fact that it is what they were talking about

I raised my eyebrow at them "What about us?" the fans on both our Instagram's have been calling us that.

Lizzy shot her head back and moaned "Keels, you and Sebastian are getting attached to the hip"

"Is something wrong with that?" I wasn't sure what she meant by that. We were getting close so what? We are costars who work together and it's good to make friends. He is close with Chris who I am close to as well so we talk.

"Not at all" she promised "but it is irritating to see two people who are perfect for each other dance around each other instead of admitting it and going for it"

Is this how Chris used to feel when I always asked him about Khloe? "You girls won't give up huh?"

Khloe cut in "We want to see you two happy"

"Happily in love" Scarlett said almost under her breath but it was loud enough to hear.

"I like playing cupid" Lizzy smiled, looking over at Khloe giving her a side hug "like getting her and Chris together"

"Yes" Khloe smiled in the direction of her boyfriend "and we can go on double dates"

Lizzy almost sang "We see something there"

"Am I in Beauty and the Beast?" I questioned the girls. I felt like I was. Me being Belle and Sebastian being the Beast.

They started giggling

"Look" I took a deep breath in to get this all out "its fine you girls are interested in my love life and want to help. Yes, I like him I practically always have. Meeting him had me get over the celebrity crush thing however it happened to grow into something more. The problem is nothing like that will happen- Sebastian sees me as a friend. I don't want to lose that with him. Relationships with me don't work out anyway" All my other ones turned to shit. My ex's all got bored of me, cheated, and left. "I'm just Keeley. He's this amazing guy who deserves more"

They all looked touched by what I said

"Keels, he does like you" Khloe was shaking her head at me, pointing over to where Sebastian was "Don't you see the way he is around you"

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