123:|Moved In

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and more Boxes

Conclusion: A lot of boxes were packed up from my house to Sebastian's house.

Now that he and I had some time off from filming any movies, we decided it was the time for me to move out of my house and into his like we discussed months back. Luckily I didn't have to bring everything with me. Seb's house is completely furnished.

Family and friends took some of my furniture, some that I wanted to keep was put in his basement, and the rest of it I threw out.

Sebastian and I didn't make this move too big a deal even though Lizzy, Scar, and Khloe couldnt stop squealing. He lived with past girlfriends and ex wife. I may not have, yet I have lived with Chris for quite a few years. It may not be a big deal; in fact it was exciting and easier.

Instead of going over to each others houses all the time and staying the night we could just be under one roof.

Finishing up some unpacking from all these dam boxes, I made my way into the living room to find my boyfriend on the floor occupied by bubble wrap. Seb sat there with a huge grin plastered on his face, popping away like child. He didnt even notice that my presence was in the room. He was having his fun, so I decided to have my own. I glanced at two of the pillows from the couch next to me and got an idea; throw them.

Picking both of them up, I frisbeed the one in my left hand towards his direction. The second I did so, from the corner of his eye Seb saw it flying towards him. He diverted away from it by leaning back as it passed him. What he didn't see is that I had another one. "You mis-" he went to say, but couldnt finish. I already threw the one in my right hand, aiming right for his beautiful face "Oof"

I smiled his way "Gotcha"

Seb raised his eyebrow, putting down the fun bubble wrap "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah" I did smack him in the face with it
Getting a grip on the pillow I threw at him, he tossed it back my way.

Seeing that I saw it coming, I was able to dodge it "You missed!"

"I'll get you"


The next thing I knew Sebastian leaped on to his feet, charging at me.

I yelped out, backing away as quickly as I can; spinning to go running off to the stairs in order to get away.

"Get back here" Seb called out behind me

"No!" I giggled almost out of breath running as fast as my legs would let me towards our now shared bedroom.

Getting into the pitch black room I didn't bother to turn the light on. All I could do was try and swing the door closed and maybe lock it too so he couldnt get me yet I didnt have that kind of luck. Before it could click, he got the door open. He is much faster than I am.

Getting into the room, and sending where my presence was, he wrapped his arms around me from behind. "I got you"

"Now that you do what are you going to do with me?" I wondered, smiling to myself.

"This" Being that it was dark I couldn't see what he had planned. I felt myself being whisked into the air from his arms and thrown onto the bed. The bed shook from underneath me.

"Just throwing me on the- oof" He didn't let me finish my sentence when I felt a fluffy pillow hit my directly in the face.

"There now I win" the bed shook a little more as he kneeled on the bed coming over to straddle me.

"No" I reached up to grab a pillow from my side of the bed to throw it at him.

It didnt go as planned.

I was aiming in darkness and completely missed, hearing it hit the door.

"You missed" Seb stated the obvious. I could just hear the smile on his face.

"I heard" I rolled my eyes

"So I still win"

"Since you did, what is your prize?"

"You" Seb came down connecting our lips together

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now