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We pulled up to some park with lights on in the distance. I was immediately intrigued with what was going on. This was no normal date and I loved that.

"Where exactly are we heading?"

"You will see just a bit longer" Sebastian cradled my lower back and started leading me.

"You aren't bringing me someplace to bash my head in and bury me?" I was slightly joking

I heard a deep chuckle escape his lips almost sounding a bit evil "No, I'm not"

Getting closer to the twinkling lights, it took a moment to take everything in. The sight I was met with took my breath away. We were at the secluded private area along the park near a lake, sheets were attached to trees making a big tent that was also attached with twinkling lights, blankets to sit/lay that had a wine cooler and pizza boxes. Did he really do all this? Sebastian had to have people help to get the food here before we did. I was honestly blown away - now this was my type of thing. We made ourselves comfortable on the blanket sitting so close our legs were almost touching,

"I love this. It's beautiful" I could feel my eyes glossing over. No one ever done something like this before not even Vince. He wasn't a nature kind of guy who had no ounce of romance in him to blow me away like Sebastian just did.

"Mmm-hmm" he mumbled keeping his blue eyes on me "but it doesn't compare to what I am look at. I am simply lost for words when I gaze at you"

I smiled from his words

My heart was pounding into my chest so violently

"I don't know what you see in me" How can a guy like him be interested in me?

Sebastian's smile didn't leave his face to convince me "You, Keeley Ackles, seem so different and haven't ceased to amaze me. You are so loving, funny, smart, and talented. I could go on. You aren't afraid to hide who you really are and I find it so easy to be myself around you"

I don't know what I did in my 29 years of life that led me to this moment with him. I wouldn't have a clue, but I very much appreciated it. I was flying on cloud nine- but then I changed my expression.

He looked at my concerned "Is there something wrong?" he asked with plead.
I stayed silent for a moment searching for the right words to say. I reassured him nothing was wrong everything was honestly perfect. "I am alright its just no guy had ever said anything like that to me before or done something like this"

Sebastian found that hard to believe because he couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't feel the same way about Keeley like he's been feeling. "Well you deserve to know and deserve the best. I wanted to make this special for you because you are special." Placing a hand on my face to caress it. I could've kissed him right there but I didn't. I was biting my lip to control the urge. My heart was going wild feeling as if this was right, but my head felt a different way. I knew I shouldn't be feeling like this, but I couldn't help it I was attached to this handsome man.

Sebastian remembered everything that Chris and Khloe have told him about me. I have been trying to shield my heart having love become the last thing on my mind. What he heard from them to how I was around him seemed to be totally different. "Tell me , what happened to you that caused you to put up a guard around your heart?" Everyone is trying to push us together, but he doesn't want to get mixed signals nor be confused.

Without a second thought my walls were cracking like Bucky Barnes was punching through my wall with his metal arm trying to break it down. With a shrug and sigh, I told him "I guess it is because I never had any luck with guys. I never was in a long loving relationship because every guy I been with treated me like I was a game. Guys treated me like shit, gave me rules I had to follow but they didnt, and then they cheated, got bored with me and left. It happened over and over again to the point where I feel that love is just a reason to get hurt and it doesn't last forever. I am afraid to fall in love again, so I put my guard up to never feel like that again. I wouldn't be able to handle it that. Maybe I deserved it. I am not good enough for anyone."

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now