178:|Chris and Keeley

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Chris is Bold

Keeley is Italic

"Hi, my name is Keeley Ackles"

"Hi, I'm Chris Evans and we're about to do a wired auto complete interview and I just peel this bad boys back"

"Just peel them, alright"

"Who Chris Evans look like? You know people told me when I was younger that I look like Ricky Nelson."


"Yeah, I got that a lot."

"I kinda see a resemblance"

"Haha, who was Chris Evans date to the oscars?"

"Ooooh, juicy!!"

"It was Keeley one year then my mom and last year it was Khloe. Who is Chris Evan's brothy coffee man?"

"I dont know what that means."

"I don't know ether. I'm not really a coffee man to be honest."

"He likes tea more."

"Yeah, you introduced me to the tea world. Who is Chris Evans known for?"

"He's very known for...."

"Shmaptain Shemica"

"Haha What? That is how you have to say his name now!"

"Haha, I will. What is Chris Evans favorite food?"

"Jelly beans!"

"Big fan of jelly beans I don't know if we are catorgorizing that as food, but I do eat them. What is Chris Evans first movie? Well technically its not another teen movie I mean I did a couple little things back in Massachusetts."

"I don't think anyone wants to call them actual movies."

"Yeah no, the first official movie was called New Comings. What is Chris Evans like in real life? A Goofball"

"And very huggable"

"I do love hugs. Did Chris Evans rip a log in half?"

"He is a strong man"

"Was it made of styrofoam? I don't know that is nobodies buisness. Did Chris Evans quit acting?"


"I'm here arent I? Does Chris Evans drive? Like a champ!"

"He has speeding tickets to prove it."

"I do. Does Chris Evans have a brother? He does. His name is Scott, very funny dude. Where did Chris Evans grow up? Massachusetts. Where does Chris Evans keep his boat?"

"Since when do you have a boat?"

"Chris Evans does not have a boat. Where was Chris Evans this morning? At the W hotel with this woman. Where is Chris Evans mother from? Massachusetts. Chris Evans actually sings?"

"Haha, He does"

"Yeah mostly Disney songs. Does Chris Evans do his own fight scenes? He does as much as he can. Does Chris Evans play the trumpet? I tried."

"You took lessons"

"I did, when my character played a trumpet in a movie."

"It wasn't that bad."

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