59:| Alone time

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I was on my way towards Sebastian's apartment, not even stopping at my own, after hanging out with Tom for a little while, having some hilarious 'Mother/Son' bonding time
Back in his apartment, Seb was running around making sure everything was perfect for Keeley. He also left Tucker downstairs with Dodger and Khloe while Chris was still on set filming.

Anyway, when Seb thought everything looked pretty good, he went into the bathroom to make sure he looked good - not that he really cared how he looked he just wanted Keeley to think he looked handsome. The handsome man was pretty excited for tonight yet slightly nervous in a way.

When I made my way into Seb's place, the door being unlocked, itseemed pretty quiet as I closed the door behind me "Seb?" I knew he had to be home.

Without a word moments later, there was my man. He was wearing black sweatpants and tight gray shirt that showed off how muscular he was.

He made a B line straight over to me "Hope you brought an appetite with you"

"I did" I was pretty hungry hoping to eat since I didn't get to eat with Tom.

Seb was glad to hear that since he made us dinner "Good, dinner will be ready in ten minutes"

"Okay, just let me change" I couldn't wait to eat, but I needed to get out of these clothes that I had been wearing all day long "I look like crap"

In Sebastian's eyes Keeley never looked like crap "You always look beautiful" wrapping his arms around my waste "It feels like it has been years since I last held you" he groaned, gazing lovingly into my eyes with our foreheads touching.

"You held me last night" I stated the obvious; it wasn't that long ago.

"Far too long in my opinion"

I smiled getting out of his grip but he stopped me grabbing a hold of my arm "Wait, you forgot something"

"What?" I wasn't sure what he meant

"A kiss!" he exclaimed eager to feel my lips on his.

Being more than happy to give him what he wanted, I went in for a slow, but quick kiss.
I was the one that had to pull away, seeing him look disappointed "What?"

"You pulled away" he frowned sadly "You know I like long kisses with you" Seb was practically addicted to kissing me; well I was too.

"The quicker I get to your room to change" I pointed out letting go of him to step back a bit "the quicker we can get back to kissing

"Then hurry up!" He urged smacking my butt while I passed him causing me to giggle.

I went right for Seb's bedroom to let my hair down from the messy bun, brushed it to get the knots out, put on a pair of his black sweat pants and the Freddy Kruger black and red stripped long sleeve shirt. I was a little cold and I love wearing his clothing and smelling like him. He never minded anyway.

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror and made my way back to Seb who was texting on his phone, waiting for me.

To get his attention I spoke up "hey!"

Seb's head shot up immediatly with a smile on his face "Hey Babe" putting down his phone. "Dinner is ready"

I wasn't sure what to expect to be honest, I really did not know what he had planned for the night, but I was in awe entering the dining room. The table was set up with my favorite dinner, wine, a candle, and soft music playing having; a romantic mood fill the air.

I stood there frozen in spot, speechless, looking at the scene in front of me. It was pretty amazing. I loved him for doing this.

By the look on my face, Sebastian was proud of himself for succeeding at doing something that would put Keels in awe, but the night wasn't over just yet.

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