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ImSebastianStan: Traveling to the East Coast to film a movie alongside my girl

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ImSebastianStan: Traveling to the East Coast to film a movie alongside my girl

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by AnthonyMackie, RobertDowneyJr, and 119M Others | 100.6M Comments

KeeleyAckles: Stop taking pictures of me without me knowing

ImSebastianStan: @KeeleyAckles Never!!!! Besides it's only your backside, you look fine!

Username1: ⤴️ Aww Sebastian

Username2: ⤴️ I can't handle the things he writes to her

PrattPrattPratt: I do this at the airport too 😂

TWHiddleston: Safe travels

TomHolland2013: I miss you both already! Have fun filming

Renner4Real: You're in another movie together? That's cool I didn't know this

RobertDowneyJr: Poor Keeley has to act with you again

AnthonyMackie: And you two had no idea you were going to be in it together 😂😂😂

ImSebastianStan: @AnthonyMackie It happens lol

Username3: ⤴️ They didn't know?

Username4: ⤴️ That is funny

ChrisEvans: After reading that script I can't wait to see the finished product

Username5: ⤴️ Chris was allowed to read the script?

Username6: @Username5 Keeley probably let him read her script

KhloeEvans: Keeley sitting on that reminds me of the one video where those guys are acting like they were on a canoe

Username7: ⤴️ Lmao I seen that video

KeeleyAckles: @KhloeEvans We need to get Seb, Mackie, and Pratt to do that

Username8: ⤴️ Yesss

Username9: ⤴️ Hahaha Keeley

Username10: ⤴️ Shut up and make it happen

PrattPrattPratt: @ImSebastianStan @AnthonyMackie I am up for it

ImSebastianStan: @PrattPrattPratt @AnthonyMackie Let's do it

AnthonyMackie: @ImSebastianStan
@PrattPrattPratt Why haven't we yet?

Username11: ⤴️ Is this really happening?😂

RealScarJo: with your chemistry that movie will be good

ElizabethOlsen: Ended up in the same movie without knowing 😂😂 I love you guys, have fun

AnthonyMackie: @ElizabethOlsen I said that already

ElizabethOlsen: @AnthonyMackie and now so did I 😝

Username12: What movie are they filming?

Username13: Nooooo I don't like Keeley's acting

Username14: Why?

Username15: I do this sometimes laying down

Username16: Traveling to where in the East?

Username17: What is the movie called?

Username18: I wonder what kind of movie it is

Username19: Keeley, the escalator is not a ride lol

Username20: I am there at the airport near them! I videoed this happening as Sebastian took the pic of her. I will post it on my Instagram

Username21: They must be so happy to be in another film together

Username22: I love all of Sebastian's movies

Username23: They were so good on screen together as Crimson Shadow and Bucky I can't wait to see how this turns out

Username24: Why just why are they going to be in another movie together?

Username25: Two of my fav actors!

Username26: Curious to know what the film will be about

Username27: Do your characters date in the movie?

Username28: 🎶 My girl, my girl, my girl, talking bout myyy giiiirl, My girl! 🎶

Username29: I can't stand Keeley's front side and now I can't even stand her backside

Username30: A way to entertain yourself at the airport

Username31: I want to be in a movie with Sebastian

Username32: A movie with my OTP as the stars? I'll definitely see it

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