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RealScarJo: I bought this and my wifey wont leave, not that I'm complaining 💜

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RealScarJo: I bought this and my wifey wont leave, not that I'm complaining 💜

Tagged: KeeleyAckles

Liked by ElizabethOlsen, RobertDowneyJr, and 105.8M Others | 99.9M Comments

KeeleyAckles: Its so comfortable I don't ever want to get up

Username1: I need this in my life

AnthonyMackie: Here we have Keeley Ackles in her natural habitat

ImSebastianStan: @RealScarJo That was your plan all along so she can stay with you and leave me

RealScarJo: @ImSebastianStan Yes, yes it was 😝

Username2: WANT!!!!!!!

Username3: maximum cozy

ChrisEvans: @KhloePadalecki We need to get one of these

KhloePadalecki: @ChrisEvans Yes we do, but Dodger will hog it

ChrisEvans: @KhloePadalecki He will lol so we do have to get it

Username4: What is this and where can I buy one?

Username5: I'd never leave my house if I had this

Username6: If I had one of these it wouldn't be mine it would be my cats

PrattPrattPratt: This looks like a big baked potatoe

TomHolland2013: I'm coming to your house just for this 😂

Username7: That's it I'm selling my couch and buying this

Username8: Shut up and take my money!

RobertDowneyJr: This, a glass of wine, a plate of cheese and crackers and I'd never leave this cozy thing.

ChrisHemsworth: This looks impossible to get out of

Username9: Can I cuddle with Keeley?

Username10: Keeley looks like she's really down in there lol

ZoeSaldana: I ordered one of these the other day cant wait for it to come in

Username11: my dream, furry everything

ElizabethOlsen: Where the Hell did you buy this?! I want one

Username12: If I had this I can only Imagine

Username13: I work from home I'd use this thing as my office

Username14: Oh my word 😍

Username15: I never wanted anything more in my life

Username16: I'd hibernate in this thing

Username17: I'm buying this

Username18: Is this a way to bribe a friend to stay over? lol

Username19: I wouldn't need this to want to stay with you Scarlett

Username20: Want/need..give me!!!

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