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Not finding Sebastian in any room downstairs, I headed upstairs to all the doors closed Except one; the door to his office room was open.
I figured be would be in there, stepping inside to find Seb with his back turned to me. He was on his laptop answering a bunch of emails.
Quietly, I walked up to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

Seb didnt even flinch just spun the chair around forcing me to change position and take a seat on his lap. He placed one of his firm hands on my thigh "How was your day with your P.A?"

"Good, got some work done" I had a busy day today it was good to be home "I visited my agent. She told me I was offered a part in a movie and I decided to accept part. I'll be leaving to film in three months"

"Same" Seb had news for me too "I also accepted a movie filming around the same time"

That means that Tucker will have to come with one of us or stay in Texas with my parents while we are away.

I am glad filming would be after Chris and Khloe's wedding.

"Where are you filming?" I wondered, thinking of how far apart we will be from one another

He has to think for a moment "Ohio"

"Wait really?" I gasped, from hearing such news
Seb gave me his usual confused look "Yeah why?"

I'll be headed to the same exact state "That's where I am filming!"

"Wait" Seb was thinking of the coincidence "What is the name of your movie?"

"The Bronze!" I was going to be a bitchy bad mouthed Olympic Medalist

"Your kidding?" Seb had a part to play in the movie "That's the movie I'm in!"

What the Hell?!

"Are you Lance Tucker?" I figured that is who he would be playing

"Yeah" Seb nodded, asking me "and I assume you are Hope?"


So we are both the leads in a movie together and had no idea! How does that happen?

Seb and I couldnt help but start chuckling at how silly this was yet exciting at the same time. We were back to working together instead of being away from one another.
Seb was growing a smile on his face as a thought popped in his head "Now I'm really excited to do a certain scene with you and it will surely be my fav!"

Knowing him well, I was able to figure out what he was talking about "You mean the Sex scene?" Yup, there is a very interesting sex scene in the movie

"I do"

"Of course that'll be your fav"

His hands began to slowly make their way up my body "And I think we need to practice"

I playfully rolled my eyes at him, trying not to shiver from his touch "We need to practice having Sex?"

"Yes, we have to make it look good for the camera and I say we start now" Seb pulled me in for a kiss.

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now