68:| Sister In Law

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Getting to the car, I put my ipod connecting it to the aux, since the radio sucks ninety percent of the time. Putting it on shuffle, Queen started to play I sang along to every word.

"Another one bites the dust" were the last lyrics I sang before pulling into the parking lot of The Brownstone with Danneel waiting patiently outside.

Finding a spot seven cars away from the entrance, I walked up to her and said "Hey Dani" to get her to stop looking at her phone.

She glanced up at me smiling "Hey" as she came over and gave me a hug, which I accepted

"Good to see you again"

'"Yeah it is"

"Only two?" The hostess asked when we headed inside

I nodded "Yes"

She smiled at the two of us "Great, come this way please" follow her towards a corner booth.
"Enjoy" was the last thing she said before walking off

Grabbing a menu for myself I asked her "So what is new with you? What's the news?"

I saw a grin appear on her face "Well I guess I'll get to the point." glancing down at her belly "You're going to be an Aunt, Keeley"

I felt my eyes growing wide as my mouth gasped "I am?"


"Oh my God Danneel, congratulations. This is amazing" I leaned over the table to give her a hug. She laughed into the hug "How far along are you?"

"Three months"


We got cut short by the waiter "What could I get for you lovely ladies?"

We glanced at each other knowing neither of us didn't even look at the menu "Can we have a minute?"

"Sure no problem"

That made us actually take a gander at the words on the menu to decided what we were eating. It was brunch so when she came back I told her "I'll have a coffee and the banana pancake wrap"

"Okay" She wrote it down before turning to my sister in law "and you?"

"I will have tea and the blueberry pancake wrap, but instead of regular bacon can I have Canadian bacon?"

"Sure that is not a problem" He replied before walking off with the menus.

"I am so eager to know the gender though" she gushed, rubbing at her slightly growing belly.

"I bet" I wanted to know too "Are you going to have one of those gender reveal parties?"

"Yeah Jensen and I were thinking of doing that" it was the new thing now.

"How did you tell Jensen?"

"Through an email actually." Danneel laughed at such a thing she did. He was away filming when she found out "I called him and was like did you get the email. He was so confused telling me no I am about to shoot a scene I have to wait. A few hours later he saw the email and was like don't prank me is this real. That is when I said it's true you are going to be a dad"

"He'll be an amazing father" I had to admit. He was already an amazing son and brother.

She couldnt help but smile "He will be"

"And you'll be a wonderful mother"

"I really hope so. I am definitely ready to be one but for now since this is out of the way it is your turn"

"What is my turn?" I wasnt sure what she was getting out, when our yummy breakfast wraps arrived out our table ready to be devoured.

"The guy you are dating" Danneel continued, cutting into her huge wrap wrap "Sure you mentioned him to me but I want to know about him. What happened to the girl who hated love?"

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