129:|Back Together

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It was around dinner time when Chris dropped me home. He came to pick Khloe and me up from the airport after we got back from Hawaii. Sebastian was out with an old friend of his, who was visiting, so he couldn't pick me up.

He didnt even seem to be home, his car was not in the driveway next to mine.

Back to reality from a fantabulous trip, I unlocked the front door to hear Tucker barking. It was practically music to my ears. He was my little boy. "Its me, Tucker!" I called out to him.
It didnt take long for the cute French bulldog to appear to see that I was no stranger. He ran over to his mommy with his little tail wagging behind him.

I let my luggage roll always into the corner knowing itll probably stay in that spot a few days not unpacked.

Having more room, I bent down to greet the dog, petting his short fur. "Hey Tuck, I missed you!"

He was jumping all over my excited.

It was the cutest thing I couldnt help but let out a giggle at how happy he was to see me "Did you have fun with daddy while I was away- o geez" He was slobbering my cheeks with his tongue. "How about I feed you and we go in the backyard for a bit?"

Tucker hopped off me to run into the kitchen. He barked as if he was saying "Come on" he knew exactly where to go, waiting for his food.
We had a little pantry in the kitchen full of Tucker's food and treats as I grabbed the tub of chicken dog food.

Pouring it into his bowl, Tucker was by my feet, waiting to he fed. "Here you go, Tuck. I'm pretty hungry myself actually" I talk to him as if he's a little human even though I know he can't talk back to me.

Did you eat dinner?

No, not yet

Ok, I was going to wait
to eat and see if you wanted
to eat dinner together

Does that mean 
you are home?

Yup, Chris dropped me
off ten min ago.

I'm going to come home

You don't have to come 
home early just because
I'm home. Enjoy your time
with your friend

I rather come home
to you. I want to see
you really bad and I 
am pretty hungry too

So, you're coming
home then?

Yes, just got in the car

What do you want to eat?


I figured you'd say that,
I'll order it

After letting Tucker get some fresh air and use the bathroom in the backyard, I opened the screen door to let him back in.

Just as I did so, a body appeared in the doorway into the kitchen parallel to where I was standing.

It was Sebastian

For just a moment time froze as we stood in our spots taking in the moment.

Seb was really seeing me


I was really seeing him

We were back together

A smile appeared on his lips

A smile appeared on my own

When the moment passed, I got the feeling back in my legs again, letting me move my feet so that I could run over to him.

Seb opened his arms for me to jump right into him, my legs wrapping around his waist. He stumbled in his spot due to force of my body, but quickly regained his balance with his arms wrapping tightly around me.

"I missed you so much" I practically muffled it into his neck

He understood every word "I missed you too, Babe"

I pulled back away from his cozy neck to do something we both been craving from the moment i had to leave. Quickly we closed the gap between us, connecting our lips. Our hands didn't even hesitate to roam each other getting lost in one another's touch wanting to be close and intimate.

Seb was ready to back me up against the wall when

Ding Dong

The bell rang

My boyfriend pulled away from the make out session in a grunt, disappointed from the cock block

"We should get that"

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