94:|New Year's Eve

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The last few years on New Years Eve I was ether stuck on movie sets or being Single. This year I wanted to make something special out of it and Khloe agreed with me so the two of us girls made a trip with our men to New York to ring in the New Year and out with the old.

Planning it out ahead of time, we rented a hotel suite with 2 bedrooms, a living room, and a kitchen that had a balcony with the perfect view of the ball in Time Square right outside. They sell out quick and we landed one. We wanted to see the ball drop in person instead of on TV, however being outside it would be way too crowded, nowhere to move, and if you did you'd lose your spot. So our day on this New Years Eve consisted of Seb, Chris, Deena and I going to a Bar a few hours before and just have a good time. Being who we were, we got recognized by a lot of people who wanted pics with us. We were happy to take selfies with the fans and chat as they asked us questions, but as the night came closer around 9:30, the 4 of us found ourselves back in the hotel room

1) to have some privacy away from people

2) to be able to kiss at midnight

3) to watch the ball drop from the balcony.

At the hotel room, we opened a bottle of wine to keep drinking the night away in celebration.

Entertainment with musical guests were outside yet we had the TV on to watch from the inside. At one point, Chris and I got up to dance and by that I mean do the Ross and Monica brother-sister dance to 'Trouble with Boys' in the F.R.I.E.N.D.S New Years episode.

Sadly yet hilariously he and I know the dance by heart. Khloe recorded it for her Instagram Story giving some fans something to enjoy and laugh at. It was turning out to be a great night. I was more than happy to be with three people I love more than anything.

By the time the clock hit 11:30 we found ourselves hanging out on the balcony. Being in New York this to time of year its at least 15 degrees outside so we bundled up. I had on a thick sweater, heavy scarf, gloves, beanie, and a long heavy peacoat.

Outside in the cold, leaning on the balcony we watches below us people taking selfies, recording musical guests, talking to Ryan Seacrest, holding streamers, and those frilly things you blow into. Everyone was having a blast getting ready for the final countdown.

"Cold?" Seb wondered, running his hands up and down my arms slightly

"Mmhmm" I mumbled, trying not to think of the weather "if you hold me I'll get warmer"

He didnt hesitate to wrap his arms around me resting his chin on my shoulder to watch the night unfold. Chris and Khloe were cuddling beside us.

Then it came; the crowd below started roaring as I watched the ball begin to come down along with the big green numbers flashing on the screen.



I watched in excitement in the arms of the man I love.

However, having me be in his arms Seb wasn't focused on the ball. He had eyes for me. He held me watching my eyes shine with anticipation at the ball



He was feeling the way I held onto him



and the beautiful smile plastered on my face


Or the way my nose was giving off a Rudolf red glow from being so cold as Seb's body tried to give me some warmth.



Lastly, the way my body tensed in anticipation for the last second to midnight.


Fireworks flew up into the air in celebration.
Chis and Khloe pulled each other into a long kiss to start off the new year

Then there was Seb and me.

We became unaware of the world around us. I turned my body around to face him with my hands going up to his chest. Leaning into one another I felt the warmth of Seb's lips encircling my own as we slowly applied more pressure, passionately pouring so much love into the kiss.

Pulling away at the same time with our cold foreheads together he whispered "Happy New Year, Babe"

"Happy New Year"

"Its been one Hell of a year with you" we haven't dated for a year just yet but we known each other for about a year now and what a year it been with him.

"It sure has been" I pulled him in for another kiss "I love you so much, Seb"

"I love you too, Keels more than you know"
Seb and I had no idea what the New Year held for us, but we knew we would concur it together.

Once the special moment was over we switched pattners. Chis and Seb hugged it out while Khloe and I hugged "I'm getting married this year!!!"

"I know, Khloe" I chuckled "I'm so excited"

Then Khloe and Seb wished each other a Happy New Year while Chris came over to me giving me a kiss on the cheek and a big bear hug "Happy New Year, Keels. I love you"

"Happy New Year, Chris. I love you too!"
When the excitement was over and we were all getting pretty tired, we retired separately to our bedrooms.

Closing the door behind us, Sebastian came over, wrapping his arms around me "What do you say we finish the night off with a big bang?"

"Oh really like what?" I knew what he was getting at

"Sex, Babe"

I giggled "Okay"

I let Seb push me down on the bed without a complaint before he got right on top of me.

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