60:| Announcement

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At the crack of dawn, I tiredly opened my eyes to find myself not only in Sebastian's room, but tightly wrapped up against him; his arms draped securely around me. My head stayed on his chest all night- the best pillow I would ever want to sleep on.

I couldn't help but smile to myself. I mean, what exactly is the big deal? I have been waking up next to hum more often than I should have over the last couple months yet this time is different. This time, he isn't just anyone. Seb is now my boyfriend.

Not only that though, I always looked forward to going to sleep, however now, I have someone to look forward to when I wake up and that special person is Seb. My reality has become much better than my dreams.
Turning my gaze to the sleeping man beside me, I uncontrollably started to lightly trace the tips of my fingers down the curves of his exposed chest. I felt his body twitch from it, but not wake up. I decided to shift my own body, leaning even more into him than I was to get access to his very tempting neck. Biting my lip in a little bit of a shy manner, I leaned down to whisper in Sebastian's ear "wake up, handsome!" before moving down even more, heading down to his neck to leave a trail of kisses along his soft skin.

A deep sounding rumble escaped his lips quit briefly causing my cheeks to turn a dark shade of red making me stop what I was doing
"What a way to wake up!" I heard him tell me, so I lifted my head to look at him

Sebastian revealed his eyes from under his lids
"Seb, Seb, Seb, Seb, Seb, Seb, Seb," I repeated happily

"Yes?" he wondered, smiling

"Nothing," I shrugged, with a little giggle "I just like saying your name, so good morning"

"And good morning to you, Babe" his voice rang through my ears like a song "how did you sleep?"

I always sleep well when I'm with him as if he chases away any darkness or nightmare that tries to come my way "Good and you? "I questioned with a yawn.

"Always fantastic having you here in my arms" Sebastian is so dam sweet

What he said deserved a kiss in my book, leaning down to brush my lips against his soft ones. I had no chance of breaking the kiss feeling Seb cup a hand around the back of my head to not only deepen the kiss but to keep me there so I wouldn't pull away. I completely surrendered to this beautiful man as I slipped my tongue in finding his for them to do a little morning tango.

Being satisfied with all the kissing, we did end up breaking apart to get some oxygen back into our lungs and just lay there. Our limps were tangled up together along with our eyes simply staring into each other's, letting time pass on by. Seb's hand was placed on my cheek, delicately caressing small circles with him thumb causing me to close my eyes for a brief moment, loving the feeling. It was just so soothing, this little touch.

After some time, Seb was first to break the comfortable silence "I can't even believe you are actually mine"

He couldn't believe it? This was so unbelievable for me, having to call such a wonderful man mine now "I can't ether!" going in for another kiss just as the alarm went off, causing us both to roll onto our backs in disappointment "ugh, I guess that is our cue to get up!"

Having to sit up on our own sides of the bed to get up and really start the day

"Guess so" Sebastian yawned, sitting up on his own side

I followed his lead

When he went to his bathroom, I grabbed clothes and went into the other bathroom near the kitchen to get ready as well before it was time to run out the door and be on our way.

"Seb?" I decide to question when a thought popped into my head

"Hmm?" he wondered, looking up from his phone

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now