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JensenAckles: Catching up with my buddy and we have a bet to see who has a better James Bond impersonation, stay tuned

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JensenAckles: Catching up with my buddy and we have a bet to see who has a better James Bond impersonation, stay tuned

Tagged:. ImSebastianStan

Liked by DanneelAckles, KeeleyAckles, and 132.4M Others | 106.8M Comments

KeeleyAckles: Don't make me choose between my boyfriend and brother I will not do that!!

TomHolland2013: I choose my dad to win that's who I'm betting on

ImSebastianStan: I will win

AnthonyMackie: @ImSebastianStan Right you will

Username1: ⤴️ Yesss

Username2: ⤴️ You would make one hell of a sexy James Bond

DanneelAckles: I can't really go against my husband can I?

Username3: I'm betting on you

Username4: Cuties oml

Username5: Two fandoms collide

Username6: I think you mean your future brother in law not buddy

Username7: Sebastian and Jensen hang out?

GinoHarris: You got this, bro

Username8: I can't handle seeing my two celeb crushes in one picture

Username9: Omg you are awesome love you

NowAndGen: You will win, Jensen

Username10: You look very dad in this Jensen

PrattPrattPratt: I am betting on Sebster

ChrisEvans: I'd like to see Sebastian play as the next James Bond

KhloeEvans: @ChrisEvans I agree

RealScarJo: @ChrisEvans Yes totally

JaredPadalecki: I'd vote for myself haha

Username11: ⤴️ Classic moose

Username12: ⤴️ You're not even in the bet haha

Misha: Jensen would kill me if I didn't bet on him

Username13: Cute pic of you two hope you had fun

Username14: It's always nice to spend time with friends

Username15: Really funny, Jensen

Username16: I feel like your friend would win but you have the cutest face

Username17: Good luck with the bet

Username18: Doesn't matter if you lose, Jensen we still love you

Username19: But can Sebastian do the eye of the tiger better than you?

Username20: I feel like you would have the better James Bond impression with your friend closely behind youu

Username21: We are staying tuned

Username22: I'm in suspense

Username23: My bet goes to Jensen

Username24: Lets see more of you two together and I'll tell you

Username25: What will you lose/win?

Username26: Why are you making us choose I cant do that!

Username27: Bucky and Dean hang out?

Username28: It's funny when you realize Jensen was going to be Cap before Chris beat him out

Username29: I love you Jensen but I'm betting on Sebastian

Username30: Will you tell us who wins though?

Username31: I'd say you both win

Username32: How did this bet even start? Lol

Username33: Will you post a video of it?

Username34: Idk who to choose I love you both

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