100:| Plane

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Sebastian and I were on our way to Romania. We finally made a trip to go out there today before I leave for Vietnam to film Kong: Skull Island with Tom Hiddleston.

Even with the airport being crazy swarming with people, no one recognized us; we were both in baseball caps so maybe that's why? It made it a whole lot easier to get checked-in and pass through security without a problem.
Getting onto the plane to get out of America, Seb was kind enough to get us into first class with comfy chairs and plenty of leg room.

Sebastian was standing up putting our bags in the overhead compartment above our seats on the plane while I was sitting and fiddling with the necklace he bought for me. I should've been excited going to Romania with him and I was but being on the plane was the problem. I was a nervous flyer and he knew that. You would think that because I have to travel almost all over the world depending on where I'm filming that I would get over it, but no matter how many times I fly on a plane, I get nervous...and this was going to be at least a 14 hour flight.

I was staring blankly at the seat in front of me when Seb plopped down next to me noticing I was uneasy. He moved some of my long bangs away from my eyes with a featherlike touch getting my attention "Babe?"

"Yes?" I stared up into his eyes

He looked concerned "Are you okay?"

I shook my head "I hate take off and just want to be there already!" I spoke with a distraught groan

He wrapped an arm around me to pull me close "We'll do my trick that will help you"

The plane was preparing to speed up in preparation for takeoff.

"Okay" He has done this little trick with me before when we went to New York for New Years.

"Close your eyes" He demanded softly

I began to protest "Bu- I"

"Just close your eyes and focus on my voice" he whispered in my ear as I did so "Where is your favorite place to be?"

I had a good answer for that "Anywhere as long as it's with you!"

I knew Sebastian was smiling cause of it adding on to a 'favorite place' "Picture the two of us alone together in our spot on the beach right now cuddled up on that big rock. We are looking out into the ocean watching the sun go down" I listened to every word that escaped his mouth as I tried the [Mind over Matter] imaging us on the beach and not on the plane "I run my fingers through your hair" I felt him do so to help me picture it even better "and whisper things in your ear such as" my body shivered with his lips close to my ear "I love you, beautiful" I felt a smile growing on my lips, focusing really hard "open your eyes"

Slowly fluttering my eyes open to snap back to reality, I looked towards the window to notice we were already in the air "Hey we are off the ground!" I stated the obvious. His trick actually does work.

"It's a brilliant trick, huh?" I nodded "feeling better?" seeing that I looked okay now

"Much all thanks to you" I complimented, but then said seriously "I love you" He was just so amazing.

Seb replied back with much love "I love you too, come here" he lifted the arm rest and rose his arm for me to scoot in closer, resting my head into his chest as he placed his arm around me.

A little bit later, I found myself drifting off to dream land from being so comfortable and calm. Being a sweet boyfriend he carefully rang the button to call for a flight attendant as she walked over "could I have a blanket?" he asked politely noticing that I had goose bumps appearing on my arm "I don't want her to get cold"

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