20:| Movie Night

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You and your hoax
You got me all lit up in your fireworks
Come on light the sky, sparks will shoot and fly
Let's give it a chance tonight
So I can taste you on my tongue
With your lips to kiss like a red hot sun
You're one big sugar rush
Suck me in, suck me in, hold me down 'till the very end🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

I sang along to my very catchy and favorite song at the moment, while I was in the shower of my trailer. I was on break at the moment and used it as an opportunity to take a quick shower.

When that was all done and I stepped out of the nice stand up shower, I changed back into my skinny jeans and one of Sebastian's shirts I borrowed, which he never minded, as I quickly brushed my damp hair. In this Georgia heat it'll dry in seconds.

Anyways, I turned to walk out of the bathroom to grab myself a water bottle from the mini frig, not really paying attention to my surroundings when............

"Hi, my precious" I heard Khloe speak in her creepy Golem voice.

Not expecting anyone to be in here with me, it caught me way off guard, causing me to trip over my own two feet, hit into the edge of the coffee table, and down to the beige carpet floor with a loud thud "Jesus Christ," I panted with feel of my heart pumping deep inside me, turning towards the brunette, who is on the couch holding her stomach from hysterical laughter because of what happened.

I sat up, trying to catch my breath "I am so glad I can amuse you"

"Sorry, I didn't think I'd scare you" Keeley told me through her giggles as she tried to tell me "Why didn't you say Geronimo on the way down?"

"Because I am in pain!" I liked her reference, but from the smack to the floor I couldn't appreciate it "How'd you know I'd be in here anyway?" I asked, rubbing my ankle to make sure it was okay.

She shot me a look that said a lot before continuing it with a question "Where else would you be on set?"

Khloe actually had a point, cause honestly if I am not filming, eating, watching a scene, In Christopher's trailer, or Sebastian's trailer, I'll be in this trailer "Come to get me?"

"Yeah and I bought you this" Khloe pointed towards the two large Starbucks drinks placed on the side table; one being hers.

With my eyes shifting to where her finger was pointing, my mouth gasped in pure excitement being a Starbucks junkie! "Double shot vanilla hazelnut?"

Of course" she knew my coffee order

"Eeeeee!" squealing like the weirdo I am "Thank you!" that surly got me to get up, with my ankle being okay. I hurried and grabbed my delicious drink to take a sip

It was heaven to taste the yummy hazelnut liquid goodness pass down my throat.

"Anytime," She smiled taking a sip of her own drink before taking out her iPhone "Now, get your boney ass booty over here- it's Instagram time!"

I frowned playfully before another gulp "It's not that boney is it?" turning around for my butt to be facing her.

Khloe chuckled at me "It is! Now come here!"

I playfully smiled plopping down on the comfortable beige couch next to her

With the app opened, I moved in closer for the both of us to fit into the pic with our drinks in hand to show them off.


The picture was taken

"Now that you got your pic" I stood up "Allons-y!" trying to put on a British accent

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now