171:| Fun

741 18 3

Sebastian and I were laying in his trailer bed completely bare and under the soft covers. We had two hours to kill so we decided on showering. Once the shower fun ended, we didn't feel like getting dressed choosing to lie in bed, cuddling and watching a movie.

This movie happened to have a sex scene.
Having us watch it, I started to have thoughts about our sex life and how much we both enjoyed it, not being able to get enough. Especially since Seb is the best I ever had knowing just what gets me going and could easily satisfy me every single time.

I got up from laying on his chest, leaning onto my elbow. From the loss of contact from me, Seb turned his attention to me "where are you going?"

"Nowhere I just want to do something"

"And what would that be?"

"To have a little fun" Without another word I went in for a tender kiss on his lips just to leave him hanging. I slowly descended down, kissing his neck, collar bone, and muscled chest planting a trail of tingling kisses that would leave my man wanting more until getting down to the prize. I used to hands to move along to his taint running my finger lightly back and forth. I was under the covers so I couldn't see his reaction however he spread out his legs more for me to have better access "Oh!" I heard him moan out.

"You like this?" I innocently asked him.

"Yes, God" Seb moaned out

Traveling up to his balls now his erection was beginning to rise. I wasn't going to touch it just yet I wanted to be a little tease.

"Keels, touch my cock, please" He panted, withering below me already losing himself.

I smiled to myself, not moving away from the balls

"Keels, please"

"I will" I promised, removing my hand just to be placed back down at the taint and slowly make its way up to where he wants my hand to be.

"You like teasing don't you!" Seb cried out, biting his lip "Fuck!"

I was liking what I was doing to my boyfriend, ready to give the handsome man what he wanted, curling my fingers around the long and thick pulsing cock. He was arching his hips for his cock to be pushed through my fist.

With my free hand, I pulled the covers off me to get a look at my man "Why are you so perfect?" he just looked so amazing in this position; a perfect sight.

"Well, that depends" Seb panted out, trying to joke "Are you talking about me or just my cock?"

"You" I giggled, just as my hand picked up the pace a bit, watching him unravel "I could watch you like this all day" I was in pure heaven just watching him.

"I could live with that" He groaned just as I used my free hand to massage the taint "Yes" Seb moaned out, clenching the bed sheets with no Keeley to hold.

Beginning to pump slowly- stroking from the base to the tip over and over again; every single stoke sent electricity through Sebastian's whole body having him close his eyes tightly from the stars he was beginning to see.

The precum that gathered was enough to make my hand to slide effortlessly down and up

Down and up

Down and up

That wasnt all, I figured it was time for me to lean down and open my mouth to push the head of his cock in. Sebastian was deepening his cock as much as he could only for me slight gag reflex to sound. I stopped for a moment to take a breather and swallow, the motion causing Seb's cock to pulse in my mouth, eliciting a moan from the me.

Seb couldn't do anything but cry out in pleasure
Pace slow at first, I pushed the head of the throbbing cock back and forth for it to slide in and out, thumping against my throat.

"Babe, faster please" he was begging for more
I smiled, picking up the speed to go along with my amazing multitasking skills, using my tongue to lick the underside of his dick.

"Fuck, yes!" Seb was arching his back on the mattress, jerking himself off in my mouth.

I looked up at my lover to meet his eyes filled with lust, dilated largely.

I could tell Seb is seconds from coming undone, continuing to thrust but harder this time to help him along. "Keeley" Seb whimpered out like a beautiful song, shooting a huge load into my mouth with the intensity of the orgasm nearly blacking him out.

Tasting the sweet taste of him, I swallowed every last drop.

"My God that was a fantastic suprise" opening his eyes to look at me, trying to catch his breath back "I have the best girlfriend"

"Do you?"

"Yes" I watched Seb get up onto his knees " lay down"

He didn't have to tell me twice "What are you going to do?"

"Return the favor" Seb hovered over her for a moment, smirking. He noticed me shaking in excitement under him, spreading my legs in anticipation. "Someone is very eager"

"I just enjoy the things you can do with your tongue" I admitted, ready to get this started.
An even bigger smile grew on his lips hearing such a thing, going right down below to kiss all around my inner thighs and the folds, not letting out his tongue.

"Oh, come on" I groaned in frustration

Seb stopped for a moment "You teased me so I'm gunna tease you"

Damit I did this to myself, I should've seen this coming.

He continued with the trail of kisses going up and down, all around.

"Seb, please" I was growing impatient longing for his tongue to enter me.

"Please what?" He wonders as if he had no idea.

"Use your tongue already!!"

"Like this?" Seb used his wet tongue, licking the tip of folds extremely slowly.

I was breathing heavy "Sebastian"

"Beg for it!" he ordered me

"Please, I need you please"

"Should I?"

"Yes, please"

Seb slipped his tongue right inside of me going in and out. With very few thrusts, he would stop and take another long lick of my wet center.

My thighs were quaking with the need of release feeling Seb use his teeth to gently pull on my clit, immediately swirling his tongue to sooth it. "Yes, Seb!"

The vibrations that were pulsing through my lower area were only making me crave more.
I was uncontrollably thrusting my hips upward, trying to increase the pressure my man was applying.

Sebastian could easily tell I needed more and was going to give it to me. He inserted one finger in having me roll my head back into the pillow, screaming out in pure pleasure. Seb was reveling in every sound he was hearing from me so added two more fingers into my entrance to open me up nice and deep.

"Seb!" I moaned, arching my now trembling back.

With every moan he heard, Seb kept altering between fast and hard to slow and soft while his hand was pumping between my legs hitting all of the right spots to send me right over the edge.

The wave of my orgasm hit me so hard screaming out Sebastian's name.

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