41:| Birthday Continuation

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Bringing Tucker to the set was a success.

Everyone loved him especially Lizzy who wanted to steal him away. Tucker also seemed to love everyone as well. He is such a friendly dog I love it. I am honestly so glad over this because this will be his second home just like it is mine and the rest of the cast and crew. We live in our trailers after filming most days. Luckily, Chris has Dodger here so they met, which turned out great.

I had to leve my little boy as I was called to set thinking I had to film a scene with Seb

I was on my phone answering back to all the birthday tweets, txts, and instagrams that were blowing up my phone, not really paying attention to much else. Yes I know it is not safe to walk and text at the same time.

Heading for the big room in the Avenger Tower I heard a familiar voice “Keels"

That voice could always snap me away from my phone. A smile curled on my lips just by seeing him “Hey”

Sebastian was dressed as Bucky

Nobody was around from what we could so this gave us an opportunity to wrap our arms around one another, keeping us close together.
Seb bent down even closer, never losing eye contact with me until our lips touched. Our eyes slowly closed and our mouths moved perfectly in sync. Every kiss felt like it was the first one we shared. I melted into him it was so intimate and special. It didn’t take long for me to feel something wet against my lips. I surrendered in a second, opening my mouth to let his tongue right in, and our tongues tasting each other. No fighting for dominance was needed, Sebastian being so dominate drove me wild until oxygen became a problem. If only we didn’t need oxygen so that I could kiss him longer.

Our foreheads were now touching “Enjoying your birthday, Babe?”

“I am yes” I was breathless, the session was still lingering on my lips

“It’s about to get better”

I pulled away slightly ‘What could be better than kissing you?”

A sly smile appeared on Sebastian's lips. Oh that brain of his…I mean he’s probably not wrong, but I wouldn’t know just yet.

“Besides that” I warned

“Let’s go find out” Seb wrapped an arm around me and led me into the room

It was creepily quiet at first until we got closer to the stairs that led down to the big room.
When the two of us were in view, I was greeted with everyone from the cast and crew, who filled the room “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Keeley”

Every color of the rainbow confetti was thrown into the air

My eyes grew big and my poor heart leaped into my chest in surprise and such joy. I had to place my hand over it as if that would help. I leaned into Seb, who held onto me tighter
“You guys!” It was so nice of them to do this for me taking a few minutes away from our schedule especially when there are deadlines.
“You didn’t have to”

Chris came into view in his Cap get up “Of course we did”

“Happy Birthday, Keels” My father Robert came over to hug me “I’m stealing my daughter back” he took me from Sebb leading me to a table that had a wonderful 2 layer cake. It was covered in white icing along with circle shaped rainbow sprinkles thrown all around it. At the very top in green letters, which is my favorite color, read ‘Happy Birthday, Keeley” I know it was made by our cooking crew.

I am hoping that inside is covered in chocolate mousse, but any kind would be delicious.
Before I knew it everyone was singing “Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you” I stood there awkwardly as they sang. I never knew what to do when people sang it to me I just stared at the cake with small smile “happy birthday dear Keels happy birthday to you”
When it ended I blew out the 30 green candles that were lit.

“What did you wish for?” Scar questioned me

I was always taught to never tell what you wish for “I can’t tell you it won’t come true”

‘Boo you whore”

“Is it Seb?” Lizzy took a shot in the dark

I rolled my eyes playfully at her. Of course she would ask me that “Nope” truth is no, I practically got everything I wanted and more. I am truly happy what more could I wish for?

“Alright birthday girl” The Russo brothers cheered “cut the cake”

Once the cake was cut, eaten, and some chatter went on, we had to get back to work as I got into Crimson Shadow mode. 

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