89:|Ice skating

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I leaned up to kiss those tasteful lips attached to Seb "Ready to go?”

“No” Seb simply replied, getting a hold of my arm to pull me down on a love seat, having me straddle his hips.

Once seated, Sebastian gripped onto my head to bring me in for a quick make out session; our lips crashing together, moving in sync- we needed our daily fix of kissing before we could do something else together. Kissing one another was something ether of us couldn’t get enough of.

We kept at it with neither of us wanting to be the one to pull away until our brains reminded us that we need to stop and breathe for air, pulling away from one another in unison as our eyes opened to lock and stare lovingly.

Getting air back into my lungs, I breathed out “I thought you said we were going out?” not that I didn’t mind that we were kissing. I was just curious to see what Seb had planned on this spontaneous night together.

Seb's answer was “Now we can go” pulling me up along with him so that we could grab our jackets and head out of the door towards his car.

When we got towards the destination, I grew more and more eager almost wanting to skip like a little child seeing the back of a huge building “Where are we?”

“You will see in just a minute” Seb smiled, getting out a key to open the door. He had a little surprise/ fun couple thing they could do together and alone. It was Something he knows that Keeley likes.

Twisting open the now unlocked door, Seb held it open for me to entire first.

The place was pitch back that felt like this could be some sort of stake out for something “I am going to walk right into something”

“No, you won’t” Seb laughed, walking in behind him, heading for the electricity box, not bothering to use his flashlight to know where he was going “just follow-”

He was cut off when he heard me screech out “Ow! I won’t?” I knocked right into something in perfect timing.

Seb should’ve seen that coming, he was with me, as he swung open the box, pulling the long black lever so that the darkness could disappear.

Taking a glance back at his now visible handsome boyfriend, I was rubbing my left elbow while my eyes scanned around to a huge ice rink a few feet away “Ice skating?” my tone gave a hint he was really excited about it.

“Yes” Seb smiled, seeing a smile appear on his girlfriends “the owner owes me a favor”

Closing the box to and continue on with that they were going do, Seb turned to walk towards the booth that had all of the skates behind it, when I questioned “Where are you going?” wanting him to stop what he was doing.

“To get us skates” He pointed towards the beige booth on the other side of the room.

“Wait!” I pouted adorably, sticking out my elbow “You need to kiss my elbow to make it all better first” I was standing next to a vending machine that had to be what I slammed into.

From the lovable expression I was giving off, Seb couldn’t resist, strutting his way over to his lover to get a grip of the thin arm and plant a tender kiss to the soft skin, making the pain go away “Better?”

It was certainly a lot better thanks to Seb “Much!”

“Good, now come on”

I followed alongside Seb on the red rubber tiled floor towards the skate booth which held all the different sized woman and men skates.
Watching him go behind it, I leaned against the firm booth with my arms folded up top “How did you deduce I liked to skate?”

Is this True Love? (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now