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Unknown Number:
Why is he posting pics
and videos of you?!

Why are you not telling 
me who you first before 
asking me that besides who
are you even talking about? 
Chris Evans?

Unknown Number:
No, I'm talking 
about Sebastian Stan.

Ok and you still 
haven't told me 
who you are.

Unknown Number:
I'm his ex

How did you get
my #?

Unknown Number:
I have my ways, but don't 
change the topic! Why is
Sebby constantly posting
pics and videos of you on 
his instagram?

Because it is a free country and
he can post whatever the hell 
he wants to post? If you want to
know so bad ask him yourself
not me.

Unknown Number:
Are you two dating?

That's none of 
your business.

Unknown Number:
I'll take that as a yes
because it is my business

Not really

Unknown Number:
I want him back and 
will get him back

Good luck with that

Unknown Number:
Trust me when I say 
he'll leave your ass 
in seconds when I'm 
back in the picture 

...if you say so

Unknown Number:
I do say so..enjoy it now 
because it wont last. I get
what I want. He will be mine
again just you watch. You are

(Keeley Blocked Unknown Number)

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