27:|Going on a Ride

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We've been filming since early this morning however I was a bit distracted by one thing; I am going on a date with Sebastian. I was in a frenzy of excitement and nervousness I just had to keep reminding myself that I wasn't dreaming or fantasizing, this was real.

Throughout the week, I kept asking him where we were going yet he never gave in only told me to dress comfortably like I would on any given day.

On the other hand Sebastian was dealing with butterflies of his own. He wanted to make it as memorable as possible not just for Keeley but for himself. He gotten to know her well enough to know she doesn't care for the cliché dates giving him another reason out of many of why he likes her. She is different; good different.

He came up with something with the help of Khloe and even Chris approved knowing Keeley would love it

Anyway, here I was in the bathroom glancing at the reflection in front of me "This is it" I told myself. Sebastian said comfortable yet I didn't want to look like shit, My hair was down and I put make up on. I want to at least look cute.

I knew Khloe, Scar, and Lizzy were on my couch chatting and waiting for me. I guess I couldn't keep them waiting, taking a moment before turning the knob to walk out announcing myself with a little twirl "How do I look?"

I watched them glance at each other with a smile before looking back at me.

"You look sexy af" Khloe announced

Lizzy spoke next "When Sebastian sees you his mouth will drop that is how good you look"

I weakly smiled, glancing down at my outfit "You sure?"


"Your man will not be able to keep his hands off you"

I pointed out "He is not my man"

"For now" Scarlett smirked

That is when Lizzy was staring at the top I was wearing "Is that my top?"

"Uh yeah can I borrow it?" I totally took it without even asking, oopsie

"Duh" She rolled her eyes, it's what friends do "of course you can"

My nerves started up again, I was subconsciously rubbing my left arm

"You okay?" Khloe could tell I wasn't okay.

"I am starting to get nervous again"

"Why it's only Sebastian Stan?" Scarlett couldn't get the reason

"That is exactly why!" I exclaimed, raising my hands

Lizzy walked over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder "Be yourself and you'll have fun. Trust us when we say you'll be fine just take a deep breath"

I did what she told me, taking one breath in and out.

"There you go"

"Sebastian is coming this way"

"What?" I glanced at Khloe

She has the blinds up to peek through them "he is close and he looks hot"

"I guess I should head out" my eyes were now fixed on the white exit door

"Obviously" Lizzy pushed me towards it "Go have fun"


"Remember" I stopped to listen to Scar "you got this good luck"

I nodded and headed out the door

The moment I was outside, Sebastian and I immediately locked eyes, matching each other's facial expressions. He looked hot as hell but that is how he always looked even with fake blood on his face.

"Hey beautiful" he whispered.

He gets me every time he calls me beautiful.

I smiled falling into his embrace "Hi" I whispered back

He swayed me a bit, kissing the side of my head while I took in his amazing scent.

Unwillingly we pulled back when he asked me "Ready to go?"

"Yeah still won't tell me though?"

"Nope" he smiled, putting an arm around me as he led me over to his motorcycle. So we were leaving here on his bike.

I was not going to complain I was eager to see what type of spontaneous date he had in mind.

"Are you really taking me out for a ride on your bike?" I questioned with excitement coming out of my voice

"Yes, I am" Handing me a helmet before putting his own on. I love bikes, Chris knew that. It was a nice start of a date so far "You have ridden with Chris?"

"I have." I replied, putting it on over my head to protect myself.

Sebastian smiled brightly seeing how overjoyed I was to get on the motorcycle with him. He never been with a girl who was willing to get onto a bike thinking it was too dangerous, so this was thrilling for him as well.

He got on first, so I could climb on behind him wrapping my arms securely around his waist.

Getting comfortably settled on the bike, he took off speeding off.

Sebastian could tell I wasn't lying about me being on a bike the way my body flowed perfectly with his especially on turns. I didn't over lean, or hold onto him too tight.

It was a beautiful night. I was adoring the city lights surrounding us while we rode by.

We talked once in a while until one point he came to a stop at a red light "Okay you have ridden, but have you driven one?"

"No I mean I always wanted to but never asked him"

"Want to give it a go?" He wanted me to have a turn since I was having fun

I was a little taken back "Me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow which he couldn't see "You trust me enough to steer this?"

Sebastian replied plainly "Yes" as if he trusted me with his life no matter what.

I had to ask "You won't be mad if I end up crashing it?" not wanting us to end up in the hospital or worse dead; all because I rode around a town.

Sebastian let out a deep chuckle "You won't crash it. I'll be right behind you, so what do you say?"

I couldn't believe he actually seemed eager for me to steer it. I hesitated for a moment keeping silent, but I decided to give it a try since he'll be behind me"

He pulled over for us to switch places.

"Going to help me?" I hoped

"Of course" He replied, having his arms long enough to reach the handles placing each hand on mine to guide me and get the hang of it.

Taking off, it was like riding a bicycle, but a little more challenging. I soon got the hang of it just riding around not really knowing where I was heading "This isn't so bad" I cheered.

"See, I knew you could do this" Sebastian praised letting go of my hands to wrap around my waist. He let me be more in control. I couldn't wait to tell Chris about this. Now he might let me drive his.

After a while of letting me have some fun he let me continue but direct the way to the actual date designation.

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