d e m e s n e

872 11 13


- dominion, territory

rat pack e r a

spinel 2x x reader

" i'm either dancing with the devil or an angel. "

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" remind me again why do i have to go? "

you asked your friend as she fixes her mascara, "this is the only night that my salary can afford! so shut your trap and enjoy this night. besides, you might even meet someone!" your friend cooed.

you rolled your eyes and placed your chin on your hand, "that's highly unlikely. how would want all of this?" you gestured your physique, "someone, dear."

you looked at your friend deadpan, then you felt your wrist got snatched and both of your are heading downstairs then out into the sidewalk.

"let's go bitch!" you friend started her car, you sighed deeply as you really don't want to go to any parties or any social gatherings. you hopped inside the car and your friend slammed the gas pedal hard.

"why the fuck are going fast for?!" you screamed as you looked around for the seatbelt, your friend didn't answer but just laughed maniacally or in an excited way.

you don't know and you're praying to god that you'll live to see tomorrow.

a few minutes later, the two of you finally arrived at a bar with alot of people lining up. you looked like a frankenstein gone wrong but a girl, you tried to fix yourself but you're getting dragged again by your friend inside the bar, completely avoiding the guard.

"we're finally here!" your friend squealed, you groaned in response "okay this is where we split up y/n! i'll go find my boyfriend, you can go and grab some drink, okay? bye!" before you can even protest, your friend left you in this crowded bar.

you gulped, you decided that you'll hangout where all the drunkies are. as you finally got through the see of people, you sat down in one of the chairs. the bartender asked what you want, you ordered a long island iced tea.

as you waited for your friend, you couldn't help but feel someone staring at you. you looked at the corner of your eye to see a well suited person with their deep magenta eyes staring at you.

you slowly turned your head to face them "is there a problem?" you asked. the person placed their chin onto their hand and said; "i'm just looking at the sign."

you looked to your left to see a sign that said 'get tipsy, one night stand; easy !!' you thought to yourself who'd make that kind of sign.

you heard the person chuckle lightly "name's spinny." spinny held out her hand, you slowly grabbed it and shook it. the bartender placed your drink in front of you, you thanked the man and turned your attention back to spinny.

"well, aren't ya gonna tell me your name?" you felt your cheeks light up of embarrassment, "i'm—" before you can say your name, a new face came.

"sis! did you get me my— ooh!! hii!!" this new girl has a light pastel pink dress on that goes along with her neat heart buns.

"you got my drink right??" the girl asked.

"yeah, strawberry liqueur right?" spinny said as she hand the girl a cocktail "ya sure you can handle it?" the girl nodded as she took a sip of her drink. "not bad." she said as she grinned, the girl sat down in between you and spinny.

"so what's your name??" the girl asked as she swung her legs back and forth because her legs doesn't reach the ground "i'm y/n." you finally said your name.

spinny hummed while drinking "i'm spinsy and this is my sister! i bet she already introduced herself." spinsy whispered, you nodded and grabbed your drink too.


the three of you chatted for hours, kept on ordering drinks even challenged spinny a drink off. it was all fun and games until one gets super drunk.

two in this case.

"ey! one more ya son of a bitch!" spinny threw the bartender loads of money, spinsy is spinning around the chair while giggling like a little kid.

you gulped, you looked around to see people staring you the three of you. you need— want to get out of here, but you can't leave them in that kind of state can you?

you stood up and grabbed the two sisters "come on, let's go before a generic fight is gonna happened." you said while dragging them out of the bar. "oh jesus- an angel!" spinny said as she leaned closer to you ear, you pulled away from her but spinsy clung onto your arm and licked your cheek.

you shuddered, spinsy giggled "you're really sweet."  you purses your lips and kept on walking, you can't take these two to their house nor to yours.

you spotted a nearby motel, you quickly walked towards it while holding these two tightly before they pass out. you paid for a room, as you got there you collapsed on the bed along with the sisters.

you sighed deeply and stretched your arms, then you felt something tugging the back of your dress. your turned your head to see spinsy unzipping your dress, your eyes widened and you immediately stood up with your hand behind your back to zip up your dress again.

"we- we're not doing that! it's just the alcohol doing shit so you two better get sober!" you said, the sisters looked at each other then nodded.

spinny pinned you to the wall aggressively, you groaned slightly and looked into her eyes. spinsy went beside you and started licking your neck.

" we'll see if the alcohol is to blame. "

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