a t r a g i c love story?

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d e v i l m a n! spinel x reader

*devilman no uta playing in a rave*

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" shit. "

spinel held her arm that is bleeding, she turned her head to see alot of people with their guns and knives out ready to attack her.

"i'm not like those demons you see!" spinel said as she tried to convince the humans. "i'm a devilman just like akira-" then axe came flying towards her, nearly missing her head.

"no matter what form you demons take or what names you make up. you're still demons!!" one of the humans said then they all attacked at the same time.

spinel's eyes glowed violently, her whole body turned dark pink, gigantic wings coming out from her back and long horns rooting out of her head. the devilman roared and is left no choice but to attack as well.

spinel grabbed one of them and crushed it's head, she gripped the necks of two humans and smashed their head together.  a loud gunshot was heard from his mass chaos, spinel turned to look and saw the humans also cornering you with their guns pointed.

her eye widened, she threw the current human she's fighting and flew in front of you before they fired their guns. spinel gritted her teeth as she felt the bullet pierce her back and left hole in her wings, she held you tightly to her chest.

as the gunshots stopped, spinel took this chance to fly away with you in her arms. spinel looked around at the city to see it in flames like the great fire of rome is done here.

spinel winced in pain as she felt her wings getting torn everytime she flapped it, due from her injury, the two of you didn't get that far and landed in a abandoned building.

spinel sniffed the air to see if there's any enemies, luckily there's none. she placed you down onto the ground gently before collapsing onto her knees.

"oh god spinel...i'm so sorry!!" you said, you held her hand tightly and eventually sobbed onto it. "why are you sorry? you've done nothing wrong, toots." spinel said as she caressed your cheeks softly, you can feel her sharp claws tracing your skin like a ghost.

"and don't worry, i'll be fine. ya old gal can heal herself up remember?" spinel tried to calm you down, "how did this all went down hill..." you muttered, spinel fully sat down into the cold floor and pulled you into a hug.

"it doesn't matter. as long as i'm with you, everything is alright." spinel whispered, she took your head off her chest and looked down into your (e/c) hues.

"as long as i'm with you." you whispered back before leaning in for a kiss, spinel pushed her lips onto you more. you held her back but you can feel her blood  dripping down.

sadly, this moment is abruptly cut off short when heavy footsteps are coming up the stairs. spinel stood up but winced in pain the process, she held your hand tightly and clasped it together between her big ones.

"run. it doesn't matter who's behind you or what's ahead, please just run away from here." your eyes widened and you shook your head vigorously. "i'm not leaving you! i-!" spinel didn't let you finish, she used her tail to push you off the building and you landed safely to where the janitors clean the windows.

"spinel!!" you shouted above, spinel can feel tears streaming down her cheeks then a group of humans with their guns ready arrived at the level she's in.

"i love you, y/n." spinel whispered to herself before attacking the humans. you looked up to the level where you and spinel were, gunshots are heard. you choked on tears, you tried to hold it in but failed to do so.

then a loud cheer was heard above and some heavy fell right next to you. you looked down to see spinel's severed head who has a smile on her face as her last expression.

you collapsed onto your knees and lost it. you cried loudly as you lifted your lover's head and held it closely to your chest.

"tragic isn't it love?" you slowly turned your head to see a man you don't know and has his gun pointed at your head. "demons are nothing but nuisance to us and you chose to take side with them." you glared at the man.

"because they're more human that you'll ever be." you snarled, the man gave you a blank stare. "suit yourself." the man readied his gun but before he could blow your brains off, you jumped off the platform.

"like hell i die in your hands bitch!" you shouted at the man, you looked down at spinel's head. you smiled, hot tears are making your vision blurry, you held her head tightly to your chest.

"i love you, spinel." you whispered before you body met the ground.

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