m y s t i f y

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this is requested by @Sammyable224!

thank you for the request!

r e s e t! spinel x g e m! f u s i o n! reader

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a new gem arrived in town, though it became unnoticed at first but a certain gem was the first one to notice them.

"steven, who's the gem over there? i haven't seen them around here." the pink gem said as she tiptoed to see the new gem who is really far from where they are.

"yeah me neither, i really don't have to memorise everybody's names but it's the first time i saw them." steven said, he thanked deedee as he gave the fries.

"you free this evening?" peedee asked, steven hummed "maybe, i gotta ask connie first."

"spinel, come on we gotta-" as steven turned around to only see the small gem not beside him anymore. "spinel?" then he looked into the horizon to see her running up to the new gem.

steven pursed his lips and sighed deeply "are you gonna go after her?" deedee asked as he watched spinel run, "no, i'll let her meet new gems anyways, thanks peedee."

as spinel got close to the new gem who's talking to some other gems, "hello!" she said as she waved her hand at them.

the new gem turned to look at spinel, they smiled and waved back "i'll take to you guys later." they said to the other gems who nodded then walked away.

"hi, i'm y/n." you said as you held out your hand, spinel smiled and gladly shook your head "i'm spinel. you're new here right?"

you nodded "everyone seems so nice here."
"that's great, also why do you have four arms??" you were about to answer her but nothing came out of your notice.

"wait, you know what a fusion is right?" spinel shook her head in a childish way as she swayed back and forth with her shoes squeaking.


"it's basically two gems dancing around to form one gem, which is what i am." you explained in a simpler way.

"i don't understand but that sounds cool." you giggled and covered your mouth, "it's fine, you'll understand that soon." you said before walking away.

you waved your hand in the air "see you!" spinel watched you walk away with her eyes glimmering in awe and whistled lightly.

"fusion... i should try that!!" 

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