b e h i n d the m i c

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s i n g e r! h u m a n! spinel x reader

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going out for a midnight drink is quiet peaceful and relaxing, less people are more likely to start a fight and be all doozy. the music fits the subtle vibe.

sitting alone in a rounded table with three empty seats, there are some people outside drinking and smoking, probably it's their pay day. swirling your fine whiskey around the crystalline glass, you couldn't help but stare aimlessly at the streets with cars driving by with their headlights on. the more you stare, the more they become moving orbs.

you snapped yourself back to reality and drank all of the booze in your glass, you grabbed the half empty bottle and filled your glass again in half.

swirling your drink again, you placed your chin onto your hand and let your mind wonder off again.
then the feedback on the stage where all of the singers of this bar do their thing, you saw a girl wearing a barista kind of suit and held onto the mic tightly.

the girl caught your attention, you took a sip of your booze and stared at the girl as she made herself ready for the performance she was about to pull off.

(/*insert song above)

her voice is so smooth and subtle, it's like a lullaby. you almost dropped your glass as the girl's voice got you in trance, you placed your glass down at the table and continued to listen at her song.

after the song was over, the girl bowed slightly before going off stage. you followed her then she stopped where all the staff hang out and grabbed herself a drink.

the girl spun around and looked around the almost empty bar then her gaze landed on you. you immediately turned around and looked down at your table.

you don't know what to do, you don't know if you're mad drunk. well the bottle of whiskey is half empty so maybe you are.

you looked at the girl at the corner of your eye to see her still staring at you. you bit the inside of your mouth, pulling out your wallet. you pulled out a piece of paper which is a receipt from the dollar store and started writing on it.

when you finished, you pulled out 59 bucks then you stood up and left with the bottle of whiskey in hand.

spinel watched you go out of the bar and waited for a few seconds before standing up. she went over to your table, she swiped the 50 dollars and the paper off the table, she opened the paper to see your number on it.

she grinned and stuffed the paper inside her pocket.
"nice to meet you, y/n."

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