at least... she became a friend.

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this part 3 of 'i took too long'

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it has been months ever since all of those things that happened.
everything and everyone has been doing great.
what about her though?

as you made your way to the prison with a bag of food in your hand, it took alot of convincing for lapis to let you see her.

as you got to the entrance "what's your business?" the guard asked. "i'm here to see someone named spinel." you said, the guard nodded, they offer their hand and you handed the bag.

as another guard searched your body while the previous one check the bag.
both of them nodded, they handed back the bag to you "please lead her to the prisoner's cell."

as you're being lead to her cell, you looked side to side to see all sort of people inside these cells. some maniac, some claimed to be innocent, then the guard stopped as the two of you are in front of her cell.

"thank you."

"you have 30 minutes." they said before leaving, you looked inside to see her huddled up in a corner. you slowly sat down on the floor then you started taking out food.

"hey." you called out, you pushed a box inside the cell. spinel looked at you at corner of her eye. "why are you here? you're just wasting your precious time here." she said with her voice low and rough.

you huffed, "has... anybody visit you till me?"
spinel slowly shook her head "why would anybody want to visit me? definitely not my family that's for sure."

you pursed your lips, you took another box of food out and opened it making the scent fill the prison. "come on eat, i heard prison food is shit here." you whispered the last part.

spinel frowned, she slightly showed her face to the light "did you forget what i did to you?! i-"

"i haven't."

the pink haired girl sighed, she took a deep breat, snatched the food and opened it. spinel took a sniff of it, it smells good.

she scooped a spoonful and took a bite, a small smile came to her face as she savoured the flavor. "pretty good right? lapis made it, who would've known she's a good cook." you giggled.

spinel took another bite, she then took a sigh. "what are you really doing here?"
"can you come into the light? please?" spinel rose a brow "why should i?"

"i wanna see your face." you simply said.

taking a deep dragged out breath, spinel moved forward letting you see her face. she surely has gotten thinner and the orange uniform makes her look like a badass.

"i forgive you. i don't think i'm able to say it before, but i forgive you spinel."

spinel's grip on the box tightened, almost letting the food fall from the ground. she bit her lip, trying to hold a sob and tears back "i..." she muttered out.

"how can you forgive me so easily..."

"i saw the look in your eyes before you were taken away. you were lost, angry at everything and..." you trailed off as you looked down at the food.

"you wanted forgiveness at least. you said, you lost everything. well, you haven't. you still have friends."

spinel scoffed "i lost penelope when she heard the news. i don't have a family now, they'll probably disown me when i leave this cell."

but you shook your head "you still have penelope, lapis me and others. i may not be what you wanted and hoped, but i'll gladly be your friend."

"what..." spinel mumbled, she lightly settled the box down and started at you dead in the eye. you gave her a smile then you turned your head to the side.

"30 minutes is up." you lightly sighed, you packed up then extended your hand inside the cell. spinel looked at it, she slowly lifted her hand and lightly shook your hand.

"when you get out, me and lapis will welcome you in our place." you stood up as you gave her another warm smile. as you waved goodbye and went out of spinel's view.

she looked down at her hanf she used for the hand shake, tears silently streamed down her cheeks. a quivering, crooked but happy smile etched across her face.

she has another friend...

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