Meeting Kara (Alex)

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You are a doctor and are meeting Kara for the first time since dating Alex
You stumbled up the stairs tiredly but with motivation to see the smile that lit up your world. Finally, you got to the door and hesitated for a second. This was the first family member Alex was introducing you too. Knocking on the door, you tried to desperately push down your nerves. They were shattered by the sight of a wide grin from your girlfriend as she pulled the door open.
'Babe come in!' She said excitedly to you and pulled you a few steps into her sisters apartment. Getting lost in the moment, you pressed your body to hers in a fierce hug having missed her that day.
'Hey oh my gosh I am so sorry. I had an 18 hour surgery and it carried on and I tried to get here as fast as I could and I'm probably all sweaty and-' you rambled as you pulled away from Alex and then remembered you had company. Two woman stood watching you in amusement.
'Oh my gosh I am so sorry. Hey I'm (Y/n) you must be Kara. I'm so sorry I was late what a bad first impression oh gosh.' You continued as you stuck your hand out and gave her your best forgivable smile.
'It's really no problem. Nice to finally meet you.' She replied and slipped her hand in yours kindly. Kara internally giggled at her sisters girlfriend. She was clearly bubbly, reminding her slightly of herself.
'And you must be Lena.' You moved onto the dark haired girl next to Kara. Alex has told you that Kara's girlfriend was going to be there too.
'Yes nice to meet you (Y/n)'. You could tell she was surprised at your kindness towards her, something you would always give her as she had never done anything to you personally. You had obviously heard the rumours and bad things about her but didn't want to create an opinion about her without actually knowing her.
'Sorry again.' You smiled shyly, hoping they wouldn't hold your lateness against you.
'Don't be silly. You were saving a life.' Kara said as if she understood herself (which she obviously did).
'Well I-' you started but got cut off by Alex.
'No you did (Y/n). You underestimate your talent all the time.' She said with a frustrated but loving tone.
'I guess I did save a life today. A little boy named Greg.' You admitted with a smile. You would remember him for a long time as he was sweet and even though you lost him twice during surgery, he pulled through.
'That's sweet what was wrong with him?' Kara asked with obvious wonder.
'He had a pulmonary embolism that we detected on the first scan. And then when we went in for a percutaneous thrombolysis, we found several more so it took way longer than expected.' You realised how scientific it sounded when you saw the confusion on Kara's face. You were about to explain it better but Lena said: 'Please tell me more. I'm a scientist myself and the magic of surgery constantly amazes me.'
You were shocked but happily obliged.
Alex's POV
As soon as she had come through the door, my eyes had stayed on her. God I loved the woman. We had been together for 4 months already, busy schedules causing Kara to meet her so late. As Lena and (Y/n) discussed science using all types of words you had never heard before, I turned to Kara.
'Well it seems my girlfriend has definitely made a good impression on your girlfriend.'
'It seems so.' Kara beamed at me. 'She's lovely Alex.'
'I know.' I sighed and looked at her, talking animatedly with lots of wild hand gestures and passion. For a split second, she stopped and looked over at me. We locked eyes and she gave me a small smile I returned with ease.
Your POV
After yours and Lena's talk, Kara and Alex pulled you back to them to have dinner in front of the tv. You saw their glasses placed in front of the three man sofa so decided on the lone chair next to it.
'Oh (Y/n) what would you like to drink I'm sorry I forgot to ask earlier?' Kara said with a push of her glasses.
'Oh um whatever everyone else is having I fine.' You smiled politely.
'Okay coming right up.' She disappeared into her kitchen.
The chair you were sitting on was close enough to the sofa for you to lace your fingers between Alex's as she talked to Lena.
When Kara came back with your drink, you thanked her and then the pizzas arrived.
'Oh god I love pizza!' Kara said happily.
'Mmm same!' You quickly agreed, causing her to smile brightly at you.
Lena and Alex also agreed as you tucked in in between questions Kara fired at you. When you had all finished, Alex said: 'Okay Kara if you've had enough of your interrogation can we watch a movie?'
Kara laughed as you did and said 'sure'.
When the movie was picked, you got comfier in the chair and awaited the opening credits. As the scenes progressed, you felt the exhaustion of the surgery take its toll.
Alex's POV
10 minutes into the movie, I glanced over at (Y/n) to see her fast asleep, her glasses slightly tilted. I smiled slowly at the sight, thinking of how lucky I got. I heard the movie get quieter and looked at Kara. She had the remote and was looking at (Y/n) sleeping. When she glanced at me, I gave her a grateful smile, knowing she had done it to let her sleep. I slipped my hand out of her relaxed one, sad about the loss of touch but knowing it would cramp the next day.
Your POV
Near the end of the movie, someone's phone went off, causing you to fall off the chair ungracefully as you woke up.
'Ow.' You yelped as you hit the ground.
All three of them were by your side in an instant.
'Are you okay?' Alex looked at you with a soft and loving look.
'Yeah sorry for interrupting your movie.' You got up with the helping hand of Alex.
'Don't be silly don't apologise!' Kara said.
You felt a hand carefully readjust your glasses and smiled lightly as Alex did so. Alex looked into your eyes for a second and then faced Kara.
'Thank you Kara for this but I think (Y/n) and I should go. She clearly needs some sleep.'
'Hey I do not.' You said as you slapped her playfully whilst also trying but failing to suppress a yawn. 'Okay maybe I do. Thank you so much Kara it was so nice to meet you and Lena.'
'No problem (Y/n). Thank you for coming.'
'Even if it was late?' You asked.
'Even if it was late.' She said as she pulled you into a hug. You hugged her back tightly, trying to convey your gratefulness to her.
Walking down the corridor to the stairs you had ran up hours ago, Alex turned to you and placed a slow and sweet kiss to your lips. You pushed your body further into hers. As you pulled away, she said: 'I love you. Kara does too I think.'
You giggled and replied with:' I love you too. And I hope so she might be my sister in law one day.' And with that, you left a stunned Alex Danvers walking behind you back to your house.

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