Chapter 92

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I pace back and forth throughout Anakin's empty quarters. There's too much on my mind for me to possibly fall back to sleep.

The things The Daughter said cannot be true. I refuse to believe it. I know the circumstances surrounding my connection to Anakin are strange and uncertain, but it cannot be what she says.

My husband isn't the embodiment of the dark side, and I certainly do not represent the epitome of the light side. The two of us, if anything, are neutral. We align ourselves to the light but neither of us is afraid to embrace aspects of the dark side when it is deemed necessary.

As I think about this, The Daughter's words return to the centre of my mind. If I was born without a mother, then my creation is beyond anything I could imagine. The light side of the Force must have drawn thousands, if not millions, of midichlorians to one single location. There is no other way to explain how I got here.

A phenomenon of that magnitude would have significantly altered the environment. The Jedi Order would have sensed it. If that were the case, the circumstances leading to Master Plo finding me do not quite add up. There has to be more to the story than what I have been told.

I know Master Plo is on an important mission and likely will not want to be disturbed, but I have to contact him. I owe it to myself to find out the truth once and for all. I grab my holopad off of the workbench and begin transmission to Master Plo. Finding out the truth about myself via a hologram isn't ideal, but it's my only option right now.

Despite being in the middle of a mission, Master Plo answers the transmission. Although he is merely a small hologram resting in the palm of my hand, I can sense his joy from seeing me.

"Master Plo," I start. "I'm sorry to disturb you during your mission. Is it a bad time?"

"Not at all, young (Y/N)," He replies. "What can I help you with?"

He always puts my personal well-being above any duty he has. I guess, in a way, he feels responsible for my safety. That sort of responsibility is what comes with bringing a child into the Order.

"A while ago, you told me where you found me. You said I was an abandoned baby in the lower levels of Coruscant," I pause. "I mean no disrespect when I ask this, Master, but did you leave something out?"

I feel horribly rude for asking this, but I really had no choice. The Daughter was in my head, at least I think she was. If there is any truth to the claims she made, I have to know.

"You are correct, (Y/N)," He confirms. "I didn't want to worry you with the greater details."

His confession, although small at this stage, makes me feel sick. If there's more to his story, then there is certainly more to the entire story of my life. The possibility of The Daughter being right is only becoming more likely.

"Tell me," I urge.

He scans his surroundings, as though he is checking that he is alone. If Master Plo has kept the secret for this long, I doubt he will be eager to reveal it now.

"The Jedi Council sensed a disturbance in the Force but couldn't determine where in the galaxy it originated. They believed that it was the Chosen One prophecy coming to fruition. Each Jedi Master was sent somewhere in the galaxy to search for this strange occurrence," He explains.

So far, The Daughter's story appears to be the truth. If Master Plo's explanation ends the way I believe it will, then I truly was born of the Force. I don't want to believe it to be true, but I won't be able to deny the evidence.

"And you were assigned Coruscant," I ask.

"Yes," He confirms. "The first place I checked was the lower levels, and I'm lucky I did. That's where I found you."

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