Chapter 94

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The figure extends their hand to me, offering to help me off the ground. I want to take it instantly, but I can't. I'm frozen in place by the shock of what I am seeing.

My breathing grows deep and slow as I comprehend the one before me. It's not that I'm scared or upset, rather that I am utterly overwhelmed by who I'm seeing.

The grief filling me is momentarily suspended by the surprise emotion of relief. The feeling wraps around my heart, like glass waiting to be shattered. There's too much going on in the galaxy for me to feel completely okay, but right now, I don't think I could be happier.

"Fives," I gasp.

A soft smile appears on his lips as I utter his name. That look along with the '5' tattoo on his temple is all I need to know this is real; Fives is alive.

I grab his hand and he helps me off the ground. Now I stand before him, taking in every one of his features while my hand remains in his grasp.

"It's good to see you, General Skywalker," He replies.

I no longer care about the danger I'm in. My best friend, my brother, he's alive. I spent close to a year regretting every decision I made that led to his supposed death. The pain, the agony, it was more powerful than I could ever describe. Yet somehow, he is standing here with me.

No clones are coming this way right now; I can sense that much. Even if the enemy was on their way here, I don't believe I could stop myself doing what happens next.

I pull my best friend into the strongest, tightest embrace I can manage. Unlike the previous times we have hugged, he doesn't hesitate to return the gesture. He is just as relieved to see me as I am to see him. Fives wraps one arm around my back and places the other on the back of my head, holding me as close as possible.

I have tried to remain strong since I first saw him just a few moments ago. That commitment, however, vanishes the second I have him in my arms. Tears spill down my face, but not out of sadness or fear. The tears are of joy. I never thought I would see him again, yet here we are.

When danger begins to close in on us again, I release myself from his embrace. We each have to wipe a few stubborn tears off our faces.

"How are you here?" I ask with a shaky voice. "I watched you die, Fives."

"I know, and I promise I'll explain it all later. Right now, we need to get out of here," He urges.

I nod in agreement, knowing he is right. All I want to do is talk to him, but we currently do not have that luxury. There are no threats here right now, but there will be soon.

He and I walk through the Temple at a reasonably normal pace. If we run, we risk heading into danger. By walking, I'm allowing myself to be properly attuned with the Force. I can feel what's around us.

When I'm confident that we're safe, I allow my concentration to focus on something else; the whereabouts of my husband.

No matter how much I concentrate, I simply cannot connect with him. I can't feel where he is, nor can I communicate to him telepathically. I know he's alive, I can feel it, but I also can't feel the warmth of the man I love. Something is wrong.

"Jedi!" A clone shouts from behind us.

I ignite my lightsaber and spin on my heels to face the threat. Much to my surprise, there are only two troopers in our presence.

I put myself before Fives and deflect the blasts heading our way. While I'm shielding us from their attacks, Fives manages to shoot them down. Our efforts work, and all the threats are taken out. The only problem is, Fives still hasn't changed his blaster settings.

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