Chapter 4

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Theed is a beautiful city unlike any other I had seen. It is surrounded by breathtaking cliffs, lush greenery, and spectacular architecture. Its beauty didn't just lie within how it looked. It radiated a feeling of unity and harmony. Despite the troubled, ancient past of Naboo, the people managed to come together to rebuild.

Anakin walked ahead with Padme while I hung behind with Artoo, taking in the city surrounding me. I began focusing on the behaviour of the citizens. The children were running around laughing, the men talking gleefully, and the women simply enjoying the warmth of the sun. It was perfect. Idyllic. I wished every being in the galaxy were able to live like this. Everyone deserves to be surrounded by peace and joy.

"It's breathtaking, isn't it Artoo" I say to the astromech droid travelling beside me. He beeps something I cannot understand in response, but I choose to believe he is agreeing with what I said.

After a short walk, the magnificent Royal Palace of Theed appears before us. It is huge in scale compared to the surrounding buildings. The combination of sandstone blocks forming the foundations and the green tiles covering the roof was a perfect contrast with the surrounding environment. I knew Naboo was beautiful, but I didn't realise just how beautiful.

Anakin, Padme, Artoo and I enter the Palace. It is even more grand on the inside, if that is even possible. I could only imagine living in a place like this. I take in the exquisite building around me as we make our way to it the Throne Room. The palace is filled with artisan-crafted corridors, high ceilings, and marvellous sculptures.

After what feels like an eternity of walking through the never-ending corridors, we finally reach the throne room. It resembles a vaulted chamber and is characterised by unusually tall windows. The throne is situated behind the desk of office with several chairs surrounding for members of the court. I notice important-looking people standing within the room. A classy woman, whom I assume to be Queen Jamillia, greets Padme.

"We've been worried about you." she states as she caresses her hand "I'm so glad you're safe, Padme"

Anakin and I stand back while Padme and the woman move toward the throne, allowing them to have a slightly more private reunion.

"Is that the Queen?" I ask Anakin, assuming he would know the answer.

"Yes. I thought you'd be able to tell from her appearance" he remarks.

Unable to think of a witty comeback quickly enough, I resort to playfully rolling my eyes at the boy I have grown so fond of.

"Thank you," Anakin says suddenly after a minute or so of comfortable silence. His voice is soft, fragile.

"For what?" I ask. I know he's most likely referring to the events following his nightmare earlier, but I still wanted to hear him say it.

"You were there for me when I needed it. I haven't allowed myself to be vulnerable in front of someone since I joined the Order." I can feel his sadness through the strange connection I share with him through the force. I wonder if he has noticed it yet.

"You don't need to thank me, Anakin. I'll always be here for you" My chest tightens when he looks at me. 

I obviously care deeply for Anakin. Far more deeply than I would ever admit to his face. Truthfully I would do anything for him. I was more than willing to be a support for him during that situation and any other situation in the future.

"You're a good friend, (Y/N)." He smiles.

I knew Anakin didn't see me as anything more than that, yet it still hurt to hear him say it. I guess a foolish part of me hoped that we could possibly be something more.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now