Chapter 77

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We finally come within range of an elevator that should take us to the location of the Chancellor. Everything has been easy so far and, apart from the mess we created in the hangar, we have been very cautious.

As we approach the lift, a door opens in the hallway to the left and two of General Grievous's bodyguards confront us. 

"You know what boys, I think we came into the wrong ship," I remark, deciding it easier to play dumb.

"General Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." One of the bodyguards starts, making my plan redundant. "We've been waiting for you."

The three of us pull out our lightsabers and ignite them. There are only two droids here, and I have no doubt the three of us can take them.

"We are here to relieve you of Chancellor Palpatine, not join him." Obi-Wan states.

"Step aside," Anakin adds.

As the three of us prepare to fight them in the most efficient way possible, the sound of clanking metal appears behind us. I turn around and see at least two dozen droids joining this standoff. What was once an easy situation has just become far more challenging. 

Anakin places his finger at his earlobe and traces it down to his jaw. In the last few months, we have developed our own system of signals for which plan we're going to use. This was created purely because of Obi-Wan. Discussing our plans via our connection before enacting them was becoming suspicious. 

The plan Anakin is suggesting involves throwing our lightsabers outward and using the Force to send them through the droids nearby. It is incredibly risky, and would certainly stress out Obi-Wan. 

"No no, we can't risk the mayhem," I mutter.

"What are you talking about?'' Obi-Wan asks, still confused by our mannerisms. 

Anakin rubs below his lip before lightly tapping the tip of his nose. This code refers to our commonly used tactic of combining our power in a strong push of the Force. The problem is, this could have a horribly negative impact on everyone on board.

"It could be dangerous. Might I recommend..." I trail off as I twirl a part of my hair before flipping it over my shoulder.

This idea I am suggesting is rather simple. One of us would need to summon the blasters of the droids and throw them as far away as possible while the other completes a simple lightsaber throw aimed at the targets. We've used it many times before.

"No, there's far too many of them for that." Anakin counters.

Neither of us does anything for a second. We need another plan; one that will be perfectly suited to this situation.

Anakin then runs his finger over the top of his right eyebrow twice. I know what this means, and it's a pretty good option comparatively.

"Oh, that's good." I agree.

We step on either side of Obi-Wan and use our lightsabers to cut a circle into the floor. We drop down a couple of levels into a generator room. There are several large power generators, each topped with sparking excess power dischargers. Not trusting the situation we are in, Anakin and I quickly deactivate our lightsabers.

The damage to the ship as a result of the space battle is particularly evident here. Several large pipes have broken and fluid is flowing through the place. If the fluid reaches the power dischargers, we will have no chance of survival.

"A little warning next time would be nice." Obi-Wan groans.

"Sorry, Master," Anakin says playfully.

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