Chapter 37

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What was supposed to be my day off has turned into yet another battle. Today, Republic and Separatist forces are clashing in the Sullust System. It seems that no matter where we travel, war always follows.

Anakin, Ahsoka, Cal, and I are standing on the bridge of the Republic cruiser we have been travelling onboard as we witness the battle. There is so much happening in the space before us that it is hard to narrow my focus onto one individual thing. I have no doubt the Republic will win this battle, but the cost of this win worries me.

"What are we going to do, Master?" Ahsoka asks Anakin.

"I don't know yet, Snips. We're waiting for Obi Wan to get back to us on that." Anakin replies.

We continue to watch onward as the battle rages. The Separatists are gaining reinforcements much quicker than we had anticipated. This may be the time for us to act.

"Anakin, (Y/N)!" Obi Wan calls, seemingly responding to my thoughts.

"Yes, Master?" Anakin replies on behalf of us both.

"Ventress is here. The Republic needs us out there on the battlefront." Obi Wan explains.

This turn of events thrills me more than it should. A starfighter battle. There was nothing more exciting than flying around space in my own starfighter alongside Anakin while taking out some droids in the process. 

The best part of this mission is that there is limited risk involved in our actions. There won't be any clones relying on us to make the right decisions, and we won't have to worry about the safety of Cal and Ahsoka.

"What about us, Master Kenobi Is there anything we can do to help?" Cal asks.

"No, it's alright Cal. You and Ahsoka stay on the cruiser. We will let you know if we require assistance." Obi Wan says

Cal and Ahsoka nod in agreement. I appreciate their ability to accept orders without argument. That's a trait that some Jedi Knights, namely Anakin, still haven't quite developed.

"We'll be back soon." I say before leaving the bridge with my husband and Obi Wan.

We hastily travel through the cruiser, which is currently being plagued with fire from the Separatists. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we can help.

In the hangar of the Republic cruiser sits three Jedi Starfighters– Anakin's yellow one, Obi Wan's red one, and my blue one. I walk eagerly over to my starfighter and take note of the astromech I have been given. 

I don't have a droid of my own to assist with starfighter assaults. For this reason, I get assigned a different astromech each time to assist with navigations and repairs. Today, my trusty droid helper is a gold and white R3 unit. It is already externally mounted to the ship, ready for whatever may come.

"Hey, little guy." I place a hand on the head of the astromech. "Are you ready to take out some Separatists?"

It beeps excitedly, similar to how Artoo would if asked the same question.

"That's the spirit." I laugh lightly.

I climb into my starfighter and prepare for battle. Anakin and Obi Wan start up their engines alongside me. Anakin leads us out of the hangar before we begin to fly side by side through the battlefield. Within moments of being out in the open, the Separatists begin firing at us.

"This is where the fun begins." I say excitedly.

"You've got that right." Anakin agrees.

We fly around searching for Ventress but she is nowhere in sight. Instead, the Separatists continue to welcome us with their excessive rate of fire. As fun as it is to dodge the attacks launched at us, it would be helpful for us to find our target.

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