Chapter 21

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I awake in the medical bay of the Jedi Temple and am immediately greeted by pain stemming from the wound in my front. I turn my head to see Anakin sleeping in the chair beside me. I have no idea how long I've been here, but I don't doubt that he has stayed here by side for every minute.

I need to get out of here without disturbing Anakin and find out what's happening. The events on Geonosis could not mean anything good. I was expecting great unrest.  I sit up far too quickly and wince at the pain shooting from my head and stomach.

Anakin startles awake, probably due to my pain, and rushes to my side. The level of care he has for me is deeper than I once thought possible.

"No no no." Anakin says, helping me lie back down "You need to rest."

"I have rested long enough. I'm fine." I say, ignoring the pain spreading over my body.

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"(Y/N) I can literally sense when you're lying." He reminds me.

I groan in frustration. As great as it is to be connected to him, sometimes it can be slightly irritating. I remind myself of how helpful our connection could be. If anything ever happens to one of us, the other could still reach them from the other end of the galaxy.

"How long have I been here?" I ask, eager to know more information about what's been happening.

"Three days."

That makes sense. Considering the amount of blood I lost, my body would have needed a lot of rest to recover.

"And how long have you been here?" I ask, although I'm fairly sure I already know the answer.

"The best part of three days." He smiles.

I'm not surprised but my heart still flutters as he reminds me of how much he cares.

"Help me up?" I request, knowing I will not be successful on my own.

He puts out his hand for me to take. I gasp when I see it isn't flesh, but instead metal. I had forgotten about the limb he lost to Dooku.

"Your hand–"

Memories of the sight of him collapsed against the wall in agony on Geonosis floods my mind. I am welcomed by the familiar rush of anger that consumed me when battling Dooku. I can't believe I let him get away.

"I know." He frowns, "It's not enough."

He must feel incredibly self-conscious about it. I couldn't imagine how much different it must be.

"No, it's badass." I say and mean it. I think about the added strength he'd have and the extra power he would bring to the Order. Badass may have been an understatement.

He smiles warmly at me. I know my words mean a lot to him, especially since he can see that it is the absolute truth.

"You're perfect, you know that?" He says.

I lean slightly closer to him.

"I love you, you know that?" I reply.

He blushes and leans closer to me.

"Maybe you should say it again, just so I can be sure." He smirks.

I love this playful, flirty side of him.

"I love you, Anakin Skywalker." I close the small gap between us and plant a light kiss on his lips.

My heart fluttered at the contact. I thought Geonosis was going to be the last time I would ever kiss him. Being able to do it again now was such a relief. I put my hand in his short hair while we continue to kiss delicately.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now