Chapter 5

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After stopping by Padme's home and collecting her things, we walk to the landing platform.  Padme and Artoo walk slightly in front of Anakin and I as we try to keep a lower profile.

The power coursing through me starts to feel slightly overwhelming due to my close proximity to Anakin. Unable to think of any other way to fix the problem, I not-so-discretely increase the gap between us by 5 feet.

"(Y/N), what are you doing?" Anakin asks while looking displeased by actions

I didn't already have an excuse prepared so I make one up 

"Uh, you know, we looked slightly...suspicious" I clear my throat "We looked suspicious walking together"

He tilts his head in confusion before rolling his eyes and walking closer to me again.

"Right, and two people who are obviously Jedi walking 8 feet apart doesn't look suspicious?" he mocks.

Knowing I couldn't win this argument without telling him the truth, I walk with him normally. We make conversation the whole way to the platform by the pristine water of Theed. I take in the sight around me as I picture the serenity of the place we are going to.

We make our way toward a water speeder parked at the edge of the landing platform. Anakin walks up to the speeder first, confirming the identity of the driver. He then gestures for us to join. He takes Padme's hand as she climbs into the speeder and offers me the same.

"I am more than capable of getting into a speeder unharmed, Skywalker" I state with slight hostility. 

He raises his hands in defeat as I walk toward the speeder. Before I am even ready to climb in, I trip over my own footing. I can see myself falling straight into the water below, but Anakin's strong arms catch me before I do. I wince as I realise what's coming.

"Oh yeah," He starts "you have everything under control"

We stand together laughing uncontrollably for a minute, Anakin not releasing his grip on me. Suddenly we both come to our senses and remember that we have a job to do. I turn my attention to Padme who is nodding her head while grinning. Anakin offers me his hand again before I properly climb into the speeder. This time, I take it. He climbs in behind me, and Artoo, being the superior one of us, simply flies onto the speeder. 

The driver skims the vehicle across the lake. Anakin and Artoo sit toward the front and I sit with Padme at the back. I watch as the island behind shrinks into the horizon.

"If you think this is beautiful, just wait until you see where we're going" Padme interrupts the calming silence.

"I can only imagine" I gush.

I then notice a lodge coming into view on a small island in the middle of the lake. It is surrounded by gorgeous greenery and what I can imagine being unbelievable views. The driver parks the speeder at the dock. We each thank him as we get out and begin walking up the stairs toward the terrace.

I turn around briefly and notice two young girls lifting our bags off of the speeder. This didn't sit well with me. I was capable of carrying my own things. I begin walking back down the stairs to the speeder.

"(Y/N), what are you–" Anakin begins but obviously realises what I am doing.

The girls look confused when I reach the speeder.

"I'll take them up" I offer

They look at me with confusion taking over their features. People obviously didn't do things for themselves too often around here.

"A-are you sure?" The younger one of the girls asks.

"Of course," I smile "You shouldn't have to carry my things for me"

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now