Chapter 29

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"(Y/n)" Anakin whispers while gently rubbing my shoulder.

His actions wake me up from my deep slumber. I open my eyes to be greeted by the peaceful sight of Anakin sitting beside me on the bed. His hair is just long enough now to look slightly messy after waking up. That combined with his shirtless physique is the perfect thing to see first thing in the morning. 

Even after just waking up, he still looks breathtaking.

"Good morning, my love." I say groggily as I stretch my arms upwards.

He leans down a little to kiss my forehead. The simple gesture never fails to give me butterflies. I wish we could stay like this forever.

"What time is your meeting with Master Yoda?" He asks in a husky, soft tone.

I take a second to think about the exact words he had used yesterday. "First thing tomorrow", I believe were his words. I don't really know what time this translates to, but I would much prefer to be early than late. That being said, I'm not ready to get up just yet. Given the limited amount of light streaming in through the window, it's safe to assume that I still have a bit of time to spare.

"He didn't really specify a time." I explain, "So I guess that means we can stay in bed for a little longer."

"I won't argue with that." He smiles, laying back down and pulling me close to him.

We lay together in comfortable silence, neither of us wanting to be the one to end the moment. Laying in bed next to Anakin is one of my favourite things in the world. 

It was only a matter of time until we were called off-world for an extended period on some mission and I was desperate to savour moments like these where we are free to be together. I believe Anakin feels the same way. It was tough to go on missions where we could not show each other the slightest bit of affection.

"I probably should be getting ready to go." I whisper.

"Are you sure you have to go?" Anakin whines.

I tilt my head up and plant a light kiss on his jawline.

"I can't exactly leave Master Yoda waiting." I point out as I force myself out of the comfort of our bed.

I swiftly change into my Jedi robes, not bothering to shower beforehand. I do my best to braid my hair without the assistance of my usual mirror. The task is challenging, but I think I had some success.

"How do I look?" I ask Anakin, who is still buried in the warmth of our bed.

He pokes his head out from the comforter and quickly glances in my direction.

"Like an angel." He jokes.

I pick a pillow up off the ground and throw it at him. He laughs like a child, and I can't help but join in with the laughter.

"Well," Anakin starts, getting himself out of bed "I'm meant to be meeting Ahsoka in the sparring arena right about now anyway."

My eyes momentarily travel to his bare, toned stomach as he stands beside the bed. I quickly focus my eyes on the ground to avoid any arrogant comment he may have to say.

"I may head over there after I see Master Yoda. It'll be nice to see Ahsoka again. Besides, I'm sure she'd enjoy a break from you" I tease.

"Eh, probably" He shrugs, "She has been asking a lot about you lately. She'd be happy to see you."

I pick up my lightsaber from Anakin's workbench, not remembering how it ended up there. I clip it to my belt and walk toward the door.

"I'll see you later." I say just before opening the door.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now