Chapter 38

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"Dathomir?" I gasp. "I thought Darth Maul's species was from Iridonia."

Darth Maul. The first Sith to appear in over a thousand years. Obi Wan killed him on Naboo twelve years ago, around the same time he and Qui-Gon Jinn first discovered Anakin on Tatooine. 

He was hailed a legend.

"Master Windu believes Dathomir is the planet where Maul and others of his kind were raised, but Iridonia is where the rest of the species dwells." Obi Wan explains.

"And what do we need to do?" Anakin asks.

"We have been tasked to travel to Dathomir to find the source of this new threat." Obi Wan states.

Great. Just great. I have spent plenty of time in the Jedi archives over the years reading about various planets and dangers within the galaxy. Close to the top of the list is Dathomir– the home of the Nightsisters.

A nightmare planet containing magick-wielding female witches who channel the dark side of the force is not somewhere I want to go.

"Obi Wan, if I may, are you sure this is safe? Dathomirian's aren't exactly known for their warm welcomes." I state.

"I assure you we will be fine, (Y/N). Go inform Cal and Ahsoka that we will be leaving very shortly." Obi Wan says.

He wants to take Padawan's to Dathomir? No way. I am not going to willing allow Cal and Ahsoka to travel to Dathomir, even if they are surrounded by three other Jedi. 

"Cal and Ahsoka should stay behind." Anakin decides. "They don't need to be exposed to that kind of dark energy."

"I agree. I'm not taking them to Dathomir." I stand my ground.

"Very well." Obi Wan agrees. "Let them know of our mission and meet me in the docking bay as soon as possible. The sooner we leave, the better."

We part ways with Obi Wan and proceed through the Jedi Temple. The thought of going to Dathomir remains present in the front of my mind. If it is anything like it is in the Archives, it is not somewhere I wish to be.

"You really don't want to go to Dathomir, do you?" Anakin teases.

"Let's just say it isn't my idea of a vacation." I remark.

Anakin laughs and I can't help but laugh with him. His laughter is infectious, and I would do anything to allow him to be this happy for a little longer. Unfortunately, that is not possible when we are volunteering to visit a planet known to fill people with utter darkness.

"Dathomir is clouded with dark energy." I say abruptly. "Just make sure you don't let it get to you. If you let the darkness in, you will not overpower it." 

He looks at me angrily at first, as if offended that I could even suggest that he would succumb to darkness. Upon seeing the worry on my face, this melts away. It's not that I actually think the dark side could overpower Anakin, it's that I do not trust what will be waiting on Dathomir.

"I promise you, (Y/N), I will never let darkness consume me. You never have to worry about that." He reassures me.

I begin to feel stupid for asking Anakin to promise such a thing. He is not evil. He does not even have the capacity for it. My husband is kind, loyal, and compassionate. I don't need a promise between us to prove that.

Cal and Ahsoka are busy training with each other in the dojo when we finally come across them. Ahsoka has become incredibly confident wielding two blades, especially now that her second lightsaber has been crafted using her own crystal from Ilum.

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