Chapter 49

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I'm awoken the following morning by the delicate feeling of Anakin stroking my arm. He is sitting beside me on our bed, waiting for me to wake up. I will never grow tired of his face being the first thing I see of a morning.

"Good morning, beautiful." Anakin smiles.

He leans down and plants a delicate kiss on my forehead. Little gestures like these mean everything to me. I don't know how I would have coped without them.

"Hey, handsome." I croak, still half asleep.

I sit myself up a little and lean on him, wanting to be as close to him as possible. He responds to this by wrapping his arms around me.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"Early. Obi Wan just contacted me saying that we need to meet him and Master Plo. I said I'd tell you on my way there."

I have a feeling Obi Wan knows I'm with Anakin, but was too polite to say anything. I guess it's only a matter of time before he does say something to one of us about our relationship.

"About what?" I ask.

"Master Piell has been captured by the Separatists. He obtained information regarding secret hyperspace lanes and they want it. We need to prepare a stealth mission to rescue him."

Master Even Piell is a brave and often gruff Jedi Master. He is very well respected through the Order. I have not had much to do with him other than joining a few conversations between him and Master Ti over the years.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"One of the deadliest prisons in the galaxy." Anakin states. 

From Anakin's tone of voice and the mischievous look in his eyes, I know exactly where Master Piell is.

"Don't say it." I plead.

"The Citadel." Anakin declares.

I groan and pull the covers of the bed over my head. All I want is one mission where we do not have to do something incredibly dangerous. Another relatively laid-back mission involving Hondo Ohnaka would suffice.

Anakin pulls the covers back and gives me a playful look.

"Before you start stressing about Cal, know that I am not bringing Ahsoka on this mission."

I prop myself up on my elbows to actively engage in this conversation. It's no surprise that he has chosen not to bring her along, but I still feel the need to talk about it more.

"You're not?" I ask to confirm what he said.

"No way." He confirms. "The Citadel is far too dangerous for Padawans."

I'm glad he sees things that way, though I never doubted that he would. It's just that the Jedi Council can be so careless with the safety of Padawans during this time of war. I'm glad his opinions regarding her safety haven't changed because of that.

"Well we should probably tell them before we go to the meeting." I suggest.

"We don't have time. We'll just tell them after." He counters.

I get up from my comfortable lying position and climb onto Anakin's lap. I sit like this and place my hands on his jaw.

"Can we at least waste a little more time here?" I pout.

He smiles gleefully and wraps his arms around my waist.

"I don't see why not." He agrees.

I close the small gap between us and kiss him deeply. The familiarity of his lips reminds me of how strong our love is. I can't believe I was considering tearing us apart based on a mere balance of probabilities.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now