Chapter 43

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I let the ramp down and walk to the ground with Cal at my side. The overwhelming presence of the dark side hits me with great force upon stepping outside. It is almost unbearable. 

Worse still, there's no sign of the Son or Ahsoka anywhere.

"He's not here." I state as Anakin and Obi Wan meet us.

Anakin's face falls. I know what he's thinking– he thinks he's failed her.

"I think I know where he's taken her." Cal says, offering some hope.

My eyes follow his gaze to the green light we nearly crashed into. It's the top of another monastery, and it isn't that far from where we are. As much as I want to rush blindly to her aid, we need to be smart about this. We are no match for the Son unless we are prepared.

"We must hurry." Anakin says, already walking toward it.

Obi Wan rushes in front of him to stop him before I can.

"Anakin, this wasn't a mistake." He states. "He brought us here for a reason. We must not get involved. Any conflict here could have dramatic repercussions for the universe at large."

"Master Skywalker, Ahsoka wouldn't want you to put yourself in danger to help her." Cal calls from behind him.

Anakin barges past Obi Wan, allowing his emotions to cloud his better judgement.

"I don't care!" Anakin declares. "He's too powerful for Ahsoka. I won't leave her alone."

Obi Wan places a hand on his shoulder to get him to turn around.

"We're in the middle of something we don't truly understand. We'd be wiser to confer with the Father first." Obi Wan attempts to reason.

"There's no time." Anakin argues.

If we all continue to fight, it will only make matters worse. No one is making it out of here unless we work as a team. 

"Stop, both of you." I step forward. "Don't you see? This is what he wants, to divide us."

"It's my fault he took her!" Anakin yells.

"Anakin, I know you feel it too. This part of the planet is incredibly strong with the dark side. We must not do anything that coincides with letting it in." I add.

I can see him contemplating my words. Whether or not he goes with his better judgement is another story.

"The Father will know what to do." Obi Wan says.

"He can't help us." Anakin sighs.

Anakin proceeds to ignore everything we have said and continues on his way. I run to his side, not willing to give up on the fight just yet. 

"You're seriously still going to go?" I ask.

"I have to." He murmurs.

I know there is no way I will talk him out of this. Anakin is as stubborn as they come, especially when it comes to protecting the ones he loves.

"Fine. Then we'll do it together." I suggest.

He stops in his tracks. I sense another argument about my safety. 

"No, we won't." He says. "I'm not losing you too."


"(Y/N), please. Go with Obi Wan and Cal, find the Father, and meet there."

I want to argue but I know things will be better this way. If he can get to Ahsoka, we will be able to meet him there with guidance from the Father. As reckless as he may be, I trust Anakin to do what is right. He would never willingly allow the darkness lingering in this part of the planet to consume him.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now