Chapter 53

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"We're clear!" Rex calls.

Each of us moves away from the rock pillars we were using as cover. Navigating our way through Lola Sayu when on high alert is virtually impossible. It's a wonder we haven't already been caught.

"What's our next move?" Ahsoka asks.

"We're going to have to fight our way off this rock." Anakin says, confidence evident in his voice.

Although I am against the idea of Jedi willingly committing acts of violence, I am looking forward to fighting the one responsible for what has happened here. He deserves to be taken down.

"Contact the Council." Obi Wan orders. "See when they plan to rescue us."

"I'll handle it." Master Piell replies.

He walks to Artoo, who activates a holo transmission with the Council. The hologram of none other than Mace Windu greets him. I was hoping for Master Plo, or at least Master Yoda.

"Master Piell, it's good to see you alive, my friend." Master Windu says.

This is what I don't understand about Master Windu. He can be kind and generous towards the ones he trusts, but blatantly disregards others. He has never been rude to me, likely because of my association with Master Ti and Master Plo, but his actions toward my husband are enough to make me despise him a little. I believe he fears Anakin's power, and uses that fear to guide his judgement. This goes against what the Jedi stand for, rendering him a hypocrite.

"Likewise, Master Windu. Our escape route has been compromised and there are several squads of droids closing in on us." Master Piell explains.

Anakin and I exchange a questioning glance, trying to determine whether or not we should contribute to their conversation. Without uttering a word to each other, we reluctantly decide to join in.

"When can we expect your arrival?" Anakin asks.

"Master Plo is already en route." Windu says.

I believe I may be reading too much into this, but Master Windu's tone seemed to shift upon hearing Anakin's voice. He went from seeming genuine and almost kind to rather cold and reserved. My anger toward him fades away as another figure comes into view on the transmission. This face belongs to one who is wise and knowledgeable. Master Yoda.

"Gunships will arrive to evacuate you and your men, but do not delay. Only a small window of opportunity shall we have." Master Yoda explains.

His small figure disappears from the hologram and is replaced by an external map of Lola Sayu.

"Your rendezvous point will be this island." Master Yoda states.

Red arrows appear on the hologram, directly mapping out where we must go. It is a fair distance from where we are now and there will undoubtedly be many obstacles, but it's nothing our team can't handle.

"Understood." Master Piell agrees.

"May the force be with you." Master Windu says.

Master Windu ends the transmission, leaving us to prepare for what is to come. The men stand around us with their blasters ready as Tarkin, Rex, and us Jedi try to orchestrate a plan.

This discussion is short lived, as Separatist blaster fire is aimed toward our group. The men waste no time firing back and we hastily ignite our lightsabers to deflect the blasts back to the source.

"Incoming!" Cody declares.

More commando droids start for us at an alarming rate. They leap across the smaller streams of lava with flexible and easy manoeuvres. With the combination of their speed and agility, they will be on us in no time.

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