Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Our dinner was nice. Nothing overly fancy, but nice. I was beyond glad to have Anakin and Padme back. My Master would be incredibly disappointed to know how strong my attachments to the two of them have become. Right now, however, I didn't care. 

We spent the evening simply talking and laughing. For the first time in my life, I felt like I had genuine friends who I could rely on. Sure, I could count on the other Jedi but it simply wasn't the same. I couldn't go to them about anything personal.

I felt incredibly thankful to be given the opportunity to go on this mission. Padme and I got off on the wrong foot, but now I know I could trust her with anything. Anakin, on the other hand, is the boy I have loved since we were 12 years old. He didn't have to return that love, I was just happy to have him back in my life.

It was fairly late when we finally decided to go to sleep. I would have stayed up talking to them all night if given the chance.

After only a couple of hours of restless sleep, I am brought back to consciousness by an immense feeling of distress

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After only a couple of hours of restless sleep, I am brought back to consciousness by an immense feeling of distress. It isn't my own, but Anakin's. I could feel every awful emotion he was feeling in the nightmare he was undoubtedly having. I sit on the bed for a few minutes debating what I should do. It was not my place to see him at such a vulnerable moment, but I couldn't just leave him in pain. Disregarding the fact that I am in nightwear with my hair out, I leave the room I am staying in and walk toward Anakin's.

The fear and grief coming from him gets stronger with each step I take to the point where it becomes excruciating. It was unlike any physical pain I have ever felt. My heart breaks for him, these nightmares must be unbearable.

I reach his door and briefly press my ear to it. I can hear his agonising cries for his mother.

"Anakin?" I knock lightly on his door, hoping that may be enough to wake him.

No such luck.

Knowing I cannot just leave him in pain, I begin to slowly open his door.

"Please don't be naked. Please don't be naked." I whisper to myself as I walk inside.

I cover my eyes as I walk in and slightly peak through a gap between my fingers. To my relief he is not completely naked, however he is shirtless. I have to mentally remind myself that now is not the time to admire his appearance. 

The slight glint of moonlight reflects off of the sweat covering his skin. His body tosses and turns in distress. 

"Anakin," I whisper, gently shaking his arm.

He doesn't wake up.

"Anakin!" I say louder.

My voice clearly startles him more than I wanted it to. Forgetting where he is, he summons his lightsaber to his hand and ignites it. The blue blade shines against my unafraid face. I can feel the heat of the weapon against my skin but I do not fear him. I know Anakin. He would never hurt me.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now