Chapter 79

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A small shuttle escorts us from the crash site to the landing platform of the Senate Building. Dozens of Senators are waiting eagerly for the Chancellor's arrival, including Jar Jar Binks and Bail Organa.

The Chancellor steps out of the doorway of the shuttle without another word, and Anakin and Artoo prepare to follow him out.

"Are you two coming?" Anakin asks.

Arthree beeps a response at him to acknowledge her own presence.

"Sorry, Arthree," He says. "Are the three of you coming?"

"Oh no, I'm not brave enough for politics. I have to report to the Council. Besides, someone a little younger should be the poster boy," Obi-Wan remarks.

The bond between Anakin and Obi-Wan has strengthened lately. After losing Cal and Ahsoka, he has become more attached to his former master. It's like he's afraid to lose him too.

"Hold on, this whole operation was your idea," Anakin responds.

"Let us not forget that it was the two of you that rescued me from the buzz droids. And you killed Count Dooku. And you rescued the Chancellor, carrying me unconscious on your back. Not to mention, you somehow managed to land that bucket of bolts back there." Obi-Wan adds. "Actually, speaking of Count Dooku, are either of you going to inform me of what happened?" 

This is likely the best opportunity we will get to explain the circumstances of the Count's death. Obi-Wan deserves the truth, and Anakin needs to confess it. 

"I...uh..." Anakin stutters. "I..."

I've wanted to tell Obi-Wan the circumstances of the Count's death since it unfolded. Now that I'm seeing Anakin like this, regretful and afraid, I can't bring myself to tell him. What Anakin did was wrong, but as his wife, I have to protect him.

"I was locked in a one on one battle with the Count while Anakin was checking on you. Dooku gained the upper hand and I would have died if Anakin hadn't intervened. We fought him together and I went for his hands while Anakin went for his head." I intervene, trying my hardest to hide the truth.

Anakin gives me a slightly confused look while Obi-Wan strokes his beard in thought.

"All the more reason for the two of you to enjoy your glorious day with the politicians," Obi-Wan replies without missing a beat.

"Actually, Obi-Wan, I should go to the Council Chambers with you. I promised Cal I would investigate the possibility of he and Ahsoka returning to the Order." I say.

My promise to Cal is my current priority. I have no other missions, and therefore nowhere else to be. Besides, Anakin is better off handling the politicians without me.

"Looks like this one is on you, old friend," Obi-Wan states.

"I'll find you after I speak with the Council and tell you what they say," I assure him. "Arthree, you go with Anakin and Artoo."

Arthree beeps in agreement before exiting the shuttle. Anakin smiles and walks away from us with the two astromechs at his side. I do wish he were coming with us now, but we can't always be together.

Obi-Wan and I take a seat back inside the shuttle as we prepare for the quick journey. We talk for the entire trip back to the Jedi Temple. Obi-Wan and I are close friends, so it isn't difficult to come up with points of conversation.

When we land, we immediately go to the Council Chambers. We have no other duties to fulfil, so we saw no need to delay the inevitable meeting.

I walk into the Chambers alongside Obi-Wan with a newfound feeling of reluctance. The direction of this conversion determines the future of Cal and Ahsoka to some degree. That is a lot of pressure.

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