Chapter 45

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I ride my speeder through the heavy rain for an unknown amount of time. The feeling of the soft droplets against my skin is unusually calming. I'm almost saddened when my speeder passes by the stormy weather.

As I reach this new, drier terrain, I am hit by a sense of certainty. I don't know how to explain it, but I can feel where the Father is. It's like he wants me to find him.

Before me in this field of small hills illuminated by subtle lights is a small structure resting at the top of a lengthy staircase. I already know what it is– it's a tomb. The Father has just laid his daughter to rest inside.

I park the speeder at the base of the steps before progressing upward. The Father walks out as I continue on my way and uses the force to seal closed the doorway.

"You should have left by now." He announces.

I take a few more steps up the staircase to be closer to the Father. He is far taller than me as it is, and the added difference created by the stairs makes me feel more intimidated.

"Our ship needs repairs." I explain. "We won't be able to leave for a while."

"Do not underestimate my son." he warns. "He will seek your ship to escape our isolation and sow terror through the universe."

The Son has morphed into a powerful dark side user. If he leaves this planet, the universe will be in grave danger. Unchallenged power to that degree can only lead to pain and misery. 

"What will you do, now that he's given himself over to the dark side?" I ask, possibly overstepping some boundaries.

"It is my actions that have unleashed great danger on the universe. I must kill him."  

"But he's too powerful for you alone." I argue. "You need Anakin and I to help you."

I mentally slap myself in the face for my choice of words. The Father in a way did reveal my place in the prophecy when he used both Anakin and I to bring life to Ahsoka. However, I feel wrong for straight up announcing that I know. 

"I see my Daughter told you the truth of the prophecy." He says without anger.

"Not the whole truth. She kept her word to you by not revealing everything." I assure him. "Please know that we can help you."

"The choice is no longer yours to make. Both of your destinies are now clouded, as is my own. This place is strong with the Force. Darkness has no hold here. Go. Ask, and you will know what to do."

I follow the Father's gaze to a path among the illuminated field. I give him a nod before proceeding down the staircase and near this path. I stroll along it for a few dozen metres. Whatever I need to know will be revealed someplace over here.

"You have grown strong and powerful, young one." A familiar, female voice says.

If I didn't know better, I would say it is my own voice.

I look around for the source and notice a female wearing Jedi robes appear in the pale moonlight. Upon looking closer, I notice it, only older. My hair is much longer and out of its normal braid and my black robes are badly damaged.

"How is this possible? I ask.

A thousand thoughts fill my mind. If this is an accurate representation of what my future holds, it does not look good. My older self seems...damaged. Not just physically, but emotionally. 

"You look happy. Is Anakin treating you well?" She asks.

A small smile creeps upon her face at the mention of Anakin...or is it my face? This is too confusing. 

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now