Chapter 91

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I find myself back in the endless, white terrain from my dream last night. The difference is, I brought myself here this time without The Daughter's interference. There's a reason she is reaching out to me; I know it. Now it's simply up to me to accept whatever my fate will be from this point forward.

The concept of time within the dream world is unpredictable. What feels like an hour maybe a mere minute, and what feels like seconds could be a lifetime. It's important for me not to get lost in this realm. 

"You opened your mind," The Daughter's voice echoes.

I search around the dream world for any sign of her, but there's nothing. She's here somewhere, I just need to trust in the Force more strongly. Her existence in my mind depends on my openness to the Force.

"I owed you that much. After all, you saved the life of one of the people I love most," I reply, keeping my focus on The Daughter's presence.

Her ethereal, glowing figure appears in front of me. She looks the same as she did last night, only the fear and desperation present in her features has vanished. 

"Snips, wasn't it?" She asks.

"Ahsoka," I correct her. "Snips is the nickname Anakin gave her when they first met."

It feels like a lifetime has passed since Anakin and I were first introduced to Ahsoka Tano. Three years of war paired with countless associated losses really takes a toll on one's life. Even in those early days of war, life appeared so much simpler. 

"I almost forgot how close you all were," She says, her tone light as she reminisces. 

She may have forgotten, but I haven't. I would do just about anything to return to the days when Anakin, Cal, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and I were like our own family. I know there is still a lot of love between us all, but it isn't the same. There is too much distrust among us all now. 

"Why don't we sit?" The Daughter suggests, breaking me away from my longing for the past.

I stare at her blankly for a few moments. It's not that I intend to be rude, but rather that her suggestion makes no sense. There is nothing in this world aside from light. We can't exactly sit anywhere here. 

"I don't mean to be rude, but where do you suppose we sit?" I ask, gesturing to the surrounding plain of nothingness.

"This is your dream world, (Y/N). You can make this whatever you wish it to be," The Daughter replies.

She's right. If we're inside my mind, I can make the world whatever I want it to be. Anything I imagine can be brought to the world surrounding us. I could easily take advantage of this control and turn the empty space into something extravagant. The possibilities, in that regard, are endless.

There is, however, only one place in the galaxy on my mind. It isn't extreme, nor is it a place I have never seen with my own eyes. The location I plan to recreate in my mind is the one that holds my heart. It may not be special to anyone else, but to me, it's the most important place in the galaxy.

The white terrain morphs into a beautiful, grand balustrade overlooking a shimmering lake. The luscious greenery in the garden combined with the peaceful sounds of nature brings back memories I hold dearly. It reminds me of a time filled with love and hope for the future. 

"Naboo?" The Daughter questions.

"Yeah, Naboo," I reply.

It was within the walls of this very lakehouse that my entire life changed. I fell for Anakin long before we came here three years ago, but it was here that I realised the feelings were reciprocated. The lakehouse was where we had our first kiss and first admitted that we were each other's destinies.

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