Chapter 16

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I regain my balance on the moving droid conveyor as Anakin manoeuvres his body to avoid oncoming cutters. Despite my heightening anxiety, I force myself to remain calm. He is the Chosen One, therefore he is more than capable of escaping this situation on his own. 

He uses his lightsaber in a desperate attempt to free himself from the mechanism, clearly unable to think of an option that would have a better outcome.  In a moment of clouded judgement, Anakin fails to notice the incoming cutter, resulting in his lightsaber being cut in half.

I cannot help but facepalm as I witness the event. There was no scenario in which that plan was going to work, and now his lightsaber is destroyed.

Knowing that he will not get out of this mess on his own, I begin to analyze the fastest way for me to reach his position. The first thing that catches my eye is the extended arm of a nearby machine, and I take that as a sign to create a plan involving it.

Without giving myself time to properly think things through, I grab the arm of the machine and use it to swing my body to Anakin's position. Once I land on the conveyor belt, I work my way past a series of cutters and other harmful pieces of equipment.  

After what feels like an eternity of dodging blades and jumping over other road blocks, I finally make it to Anakin. I crouch down beside him immediately, knowing time is running out to help him.

He shifts his gaze from his arm caught in the mould to my eyes. Relief flushes over him at first, glad to know I'm alive. This quickly dissolves into worry as he realises that I'm putting myself in danger for him.

"What are you doing?" He questions. "Save Padme!"

I look up briefly to the conveyor belt where I last saw Padme. When I don't instantly see her radiant complexion, I feel sick to the stomach. My loyalty to Anakin Skywalker clouded my judgement, and it could have cost Padme her life.

The guilt I was feeling disappears in an instant with the emergence of Artoo flying through the air with an alive Padme on his back. Somehow, the helpful little astromech managed to save her from the terrors of this foresaken factory.

I reignite my lightsaber and cut through the mould trapping Anakin's arm, setting him free. I quickly help him up and we jump onto the above conveyor to avoid more cutters. He pants in exhaustion from the mere stress of nearly dying at the hands of a droid cutter.

"You're welcome." I say patronisingly.

He goes to grab his lightsaber to continue fighting but realises it is now destroyed.

"Not again," He sighs in frustration "Obi Wan's gonna kill me."

"That may be the least of your worries." I say as I nod toward what looks like incoming droids. They roll toward us and spring into an intimidating battle pose. They're unlike anything I've ever seen.

A man wearing Mandalorian armour drops down in front of the droids. He holds a ready blaster in his hands.

"Don't move, Jedi!" He warns.

Anakin and I place our hands on our heads and drop to our knees in defeat. I look to the conveyor above and am incredibly relieved to see that Padme is alive. Two Geonosians bring her down to our level.

The Geonosians force us back up to our feet and place handcuffs around Anakin and I. From the looks of it, they were capable of restricting all interactions with the force.  They began to lead us out of the factory when I remembered something that could very well save us.

I elbow Anakin softly to get his attention. He looks at me with confusion. I subtly nod toward the button on his belt that would send the distress signal. He knows what I'm referring to and very slowly moves his cuffed hands to activate the signal.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now