Chapter 81

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A bright, white light shines directly above my face, blocking my view of my surroundings.

My eyes gradually adjust to the light, and my surroundings become clearer; I'm in a hospital and Anakin is standing beside me with his hand holding onto my own.

As the world comes into focus, so does the pain spreading to each part of my body. An excruciating pain originates in my abdominal area and spreads throughout every limb. It is unbearable and it is unfamiliar.

It doesn't take long for me to understand what is happening; I'm giving birth to our children.

My body grows weak and tired. I have endured many physical hardships in my time fighting for the Republic, none of which have been this painful. My soul feels like it is fading, drifting into the Force realm.

"She's not going to make it!" An unfamiliar male voice calls.

I manage to turn my weak, heavy head toward the source. He is a doctor and he seems to be trying desperately to save my life.

"She has to make it!" Anakin shouts in response.

He squeezes my hand tightly with his flesh hand and watches over me with panicked eyes. I don't want to leave him, but I can feel myself drifting further away.

My eyes grow heavy and my breaths become shallow. I have never been close to death before so I don't know what dying feels like. What I'm currently experiencing, however, is exactly what I would assume death to be like.

The pain is a prison for my mind. The fear and confusion of what is happening in this space prohibit me from focusing on anything else.

My stomach tightens exponentially and my soul begs for me to scream. I am in complete agony and there is nothing I can do about it.

The medical staff filling the room urge me to push. The pain is excruciating but I cannot allow myself to stop. Regardless of the pain, I must keep pushing.

The pain subsides a little when my eyes lay upon the first of my children; a daughter. If sunshine existed in the form of a human, it would be her.

My joy from seeing my daughter for the first time fades slightly when I am reminded to keep pushing. She is only one of the children I need to give birth to today.

I push yet again, only much harder this time.

The necessity to continue pushing comes to an end when the doctor carries the other baby away. It's a boy, and his bright features radiate a feeling of goodness.

In that instant, I know I would do anything for my children. No task would be too great if it meant they would always be protected.

Anakin kisses my forehead and squeezes my hand in excitement. This is the greatest moment of our lives. It easily beats everything else; from the moment we met to the day of our wedding.

The light and positivity filling the room vanish in an instant. Any brightness is sucked out, leaving only an abyss of darkness and grief. Something is horribly wrong.

"The babies are not breathing!" The male doctor from earlier shouts to the nurses nearby.

Anakin let's go of my hand and runs to our children. I try to get up but simply lack the strength. My body is back to its weak state, only now it feels like there is an opposing force trapping me down.

Everything in the room turns completely silent apart from the slight ringing in my ears.

This silence disappears when a familiar, spine-chilling sound appears. I've only heard the deep, mechanical breathing once before during a dream on Mortis, and that is a memory I will never forget.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now