Chapter 34

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I continue to walk ahead, not bothering to hold up for Anakin as he trails behind me. Fairly quickly, I reach the lift that will take us down to the lower levels of the ship. The door opens just as Anakin reaches me. We step inside the empty lift and wait for the doors to close.

"I'm sorry." Anakin surprises me by saying. "You're my wife, (y/n), and I love you more than I could ever express. I'm just not willing to let you put yourself in danger when I can avoid it."

I understand where he's coming from. I also hate it when he's put in danger, but I've learned to accept it. We are Generals in a war. That type of thing cannot be avoided.

"I don't want to fight with you, Anakin." I say.

He looks down to the ground as I finish these words. I take his hands in mine to show that, no matter what, we will always be connected by our love. The gesture is small but the comfort it brings me is substantial.

" I just wish you were a little more trusting of me." I continue. 

"I do trust you. You're the strongest, bravest person I know, but that doesn't mean I won't protect you where I can." He explains.

My gaze meets his beautiful, blue eyes. The thousand hues of blue radiate the warmth that comes with the sunset over the lake house of Naboo. Peace. Tranquility. Love. I can't help myself. I tug at the collar of his robes and pull his head down for a kiss. At first he is surprised, given the fact that we are on a mission, but he doesn't hesitate. He gladly returns the kiss. We relish in the moment for a little longer than we should have.

The lift door opens.

"Uhhh, Generals?" Captain Rex remarks.

Anakin quickly pulls away from me. I, on the other hand, freeze in place. I'm not sure whether it's the shock or my lame attempt of acting like I'm not there. It's not the first time I've done something dumb in a state of shock. I still remember the time I talked to fruit when I was in Theed with Anakin.

"Captain Rex." Anakin replies happily, as if nothing had happened.

My heart is beating faster than I thought possible and my palms are sweating. We were careless and got caught. If Rex tells anyone, our lives as Jedi will be over. The very thought makes me feel sick.

"The men are this way." Rex says, choosing not to acknowledge what he saw.

I decide that this can wait. I'll find a time to talk to Rex about Anakin and I later. For now, our focus needs to be on protecting Satine. I do my very best to push down all of the worry I've built up in two minutes. I can stress about it later.

We follow Rex to the position of the other men. No one dared to speak during the short journey. I don't think any of us would know what to say.

"Alright, men. What's the problem? We're missing dinner." Anakin says once we reach the rest of the troopers.

"We're not sure yet, Sir, but there's still no sign of Mixer and Redeye." Cody explains.

Artoo comes forward and begins to beep quickly. I've learned in the months I've known the droid that fast beeps equate to worry or excitement. Given the situation, I daresay it's the former. I crouch down in front of him.

"What's the matter, buddy?" I ask Artoo.

He beeps more frantically than before. Anakin crouches down beside me and listens to his astromech.

"I know, I know, but we're here now." Anakin reassures Artoo.

"Use your scanners, Artoo." I suggest. "See if there's anything out of place."

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