Chapter 35

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We do as Obi Wan says and return to our previous location. Anakin informs the men of the plan to stay quiet and attack via comlink on our way down.

Upon our arrival, we see the troopers are already searching. Anakin and I team up with Artoo, igniting our lightsabers for both light and immediate protection from an attack. We search for an extended period, failing to find anything.

"Anakin, (y/n)." Obi Wan's voice projects. "Tal Merrik is the traitor and he's taken Satine hostage."

I flinch at the sudden, loud noise. If the probe didn't know we were looking for it, it certainly does now.

"Copy that, but we've got problems of our own right now." Anakin whispers.

I activate my own comlink to communicate with our troops.

"Cody, Rex, have you found anything?" I ask in a hushed whisper.

"All quiet over here, Sir." Cody replies.

The sound of blaster fire almost immediately after Cody says this alerts Anakin and I to their position. When we arrive, both of the men are on the ground. Anakin and I each slice a smaller droid while Artoo electrifies the other.

"Alright they were the little ones. That means the mother must be here somewhere." I say.

"Haven't seen it." Rex says.

The sudden shrieking of the mother droid comes into range. It emerges out of the shadows and launches itself at an unsuspecting Captain Rex. He gets knocked a few metres away from us but manages to get the mother droid off of himself. The droid climbs upwards as Rex fires his blaster at it.

We can't let it get away.

In a desperate attempt to stop the droid, I throw my lightsaber at it. This move slices off half of its legs, causing it to fall to the ground. I summon my lightsaber back to my hand by channelling the force. 

Rex climbs onto the assassin probe and blasts its head until it is destroyed. He aims at the holes in its head to ensure no more small droids decide to surprise us.

"We need to find the Duchess." I say to Anakin.

"Men,  split up and guard every escape pod on this ship. We can't let Merrick leave with the Duchess." Anakin states.

We step inside the dreaded lift again and travel to the floor Obi Wan was on. We run side by side through the corridors in a desperate search for Satine. I don't understand why the Duchess needed a ship this big. A smaller one would make this situation so much easier.

Along the way, we come across Obi Wan.

"Did you find them?" His panicked voice asks.

"No, but we've stationed troopers at every escape pod." Anakin assures him.

"Merrik will try to signal his allies for help. We have to find him." Obi Wan practically orders.

He's always determined. He's Obi Wan Kenobi. The determination we're seeing right now is different though. He will not stop until he knows Satine is safe.

Obi Wan begins running back in the direction we came. Without hesitation, Anakin and I follow him until we reach another lift. Once inside, Anakin's usual smirk appears on his face. I know where this is going.

"This may not be the time to ask but were you and Satine, ever–" Anakin starts, again invading the privacy of his former Master.

"I don't see how that has any bearing on the situation at hand." Obi Wan snaps.

Anakin simply shrugs off his Master's temper but I can't just leave him in this state. I place a calming hand on Obi Wan's shoulder.

"She's going to be okay, Obi Wan." I reassure him.

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