Chapter 100

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I haven't left the medical bay since giving birth two days ago. My body isn't in the greatest shape; not after all that transpired. My mind, however, is in far worse shape than my body could ever be.

My strength in the force is virtually non-existent. During childbirth, I was able to fully embrace my power. I reached a level of power and control that I didn't think was possible. Now, in the aftermath, I'm nothing. It's like I can't even properly wield the Force any more.

My life as a Jedi, my marriage, my happy ending, it's all gone.

In my time resting in the medical bay, I haven't taken my eyes off my newborn babies. I feel an overwhelming need to keep them protected from the evil in the galaxy. In all honesty, I am terrified of Emperor Palpatine. He thinks we're dead for now, but I will be forever frightened of him discovering the truth.

A warm presence enters the space, prompting me to take my attention away from Luke and Leia. I haven't been around this person too many times in my life, but they are familiar enough for me to instantly know who they are. As expected, Bail Organa is standing in the doorway to the medical bay.

"Bail, it's good to see you," I start.

"I was worried you didn't make it," He replies.

Truth be told, I was worried I wasn't going to make it either. There was a point yesterday when I thought Palpatine was going to kill me. Even after that, I didn't believe I'd make it through the struggle of childbirth. Somehow, after both the pregnancy and Order 66, I'm still here.

"If there's one thing I've learned lately, it's that I am a survivor," I state.

Bail gives me a soft smile, one that highlights his feelings of sympathy toward me. It isn't until I see the slight pain in his eyes that I remember the task I gave him back on Coruscant.

"Are the younglings safe?" I ask, my voice shaky with the uncertainty of the question.

I'm admittedly afraid of the answer to this question. The news will either be good or terribly bad. By the expression on Bail's face, I feel positive about his answers.

"They are. I transported them to Alderaan on one of our diplomatic cruisers. Families are being found for them as we speak," He explains.

I instantly feel relieved. If something had happened to the younglings, I don't know what I would've done. My heart would have shattered to a point beyond repair. My heart is already broken, but that pain would have killed me.

I would not have been able to cope with the knowledge that I failed them too. 

"Thank you," I say, not possessing the correct words to express my appreciation.

"One of the younglings, Sors, asked me to give you a message. He wanted you to know that he was brave," Bail tells me. "He wanted you to be proud of him."

Sors is the sweetest, bravest youngling I have ever met. He's incredibly young, younger than most in the group he was in, yet he still tried his absolute hardest to remain strong in the face of danger.

If things hadn't turned out this way, Sors would have grown to be a wise Jedi Knight. The power-hungry motives of the Chancellor and the desperation of Anakin Skywalker took that possibility away from him.

"Wait, what are you doing here? Doesn't the Rebellion need you now more than ever?" I ask, suddenly remembering the predicament the Republic is in.

"Yes," He acknowledges. "But, I have other things to take care of."

The galaxy has just entered what would have to be one of the most uncertain periods in history. The dark side has taken over and the Jedi have no chance of matching its power. Nothing could be more important than fighting for our democracy. 

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now