Chapter 18

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From different gates around the arena, three monsters are driven in. One is bull-like, one is lion-like, and the other is some kind of odd lobster combination. All are hideous and provoked by spear-carrying creatures leading them to us.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Anakin sighs.

The monsters toss their heads as they search for the prey. Us. They begin to menacingly around the arena until they spot what they have been searching for.

This is my chance. I use the pin I had concealed to pick the lock on one of the hand restraints. It works surprisingly quickly. I turn around and pull myself up by the chain to the top of the post. Within a brief moment, I am standing on top of it trying to pull the chain free. I'm successful just before a creature reaches me.

Anakin and Obi Wan have two creatures distracted, which means I only had to keep one from Padme. I use my now free chains to draw attention to myself instead of Padme. The creature takes the bait. 

I use the force to hit the creature before me in the head with the now free chains. The impact is hard enough to knock it out. I didn't want to kill it. The Geonosians had forced it into the arena. It shouldn't have to die for their actions.

I look beside me to see the bull-like creature charging at Anakin's pole. He uses the force to jump high above the creature as it rams into the post. He lands on its back and wraps the chains around its horn. The creature shakes its head furiously, allowing the chains to be broken. Anakin manages to use the broken chains to his advantage and begins to ride the creature. I never thought I'd see the day when Anakin Skywalker fought his brain instead of his lightsaber...if you know what I mean.

"Try to keep it away from Padme." I say to Anakin through our connection.

"What do you think I've been doing?" Even through our connection, I can still hear the cheeky tone in his voice.

I take that as my cue to rescue Padme. I use the force to lift the broken chains around me and throw it at the beast with as much strength as I can muster. The impact is strong enough to knock it out and it stumbles into the sand.

I jump off of the pole, doing a theatrical flip on the way down. The spectators of the arena wanted a show after all. I run over to Padme and use the same pin to free her of the chains.

"Are you okay?" I ask her worriedly

"I feel like I should be asking that to you." She gasps.

I look down to where her eyes are focused and see large tears through my robes. That's when I begin to feel the pain from the scratches that caused it.

"I'm fine." I lie, "Let's get you out of here."

Anakin comes charging over to us on the reek. He reaches out for Padme's hand and lifts her onto it.

"Are you alright?" He shrieks, noticing my wound.

"I'm fine, Anakin." I give him a look, begging for him to not argue.

Obi Wan then runs over to join the fun.

"Well, this was quite the rescue." He announces cheerily. Sometimes he masks his sass so well that he actually seems genuine. 

"Might want to rethink your choice of words." Padme says

I look around the arena and see the same droids from earlier roll in. They surround us and jump into their battle stances.

We're trapped.

Anakin, Obi Wan, and I stand in a protective circle around Padme. We don't have our lightsabers so there isn't much we could do, but we would die defending her. Just when all hope seems lost, hundreds of flashes of light fill the arenas crowd. They jump to the ground before them and join us.

Ghost of You - Anakin Skywalker x Reader (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now