Chapter 39

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Anakin and I land the ship by the Toydarian Palace with a loud thud. This is one of the few occasions in which we have landed on a planet without crashing. I dare say that is thanks to the addition of my piloting skills.

We group together near the door of the ship, prior to bursting into the darkness waiting for us.

"Now remember," Obi Wan starts, "Savage is dangerous. Don't do anything reckless."

"He's talking to you, Anakin." I add.

Teasing Anakin any chance I get is the only thing that keeps me sane during dangerous missions. I am not allowed to hug him upon reuniting with him. I am not allowed to hold hands with him when I feel uneasy. I am not allowed to kiss him before parting ways. This is a way for us to interact without seemingly breaking the rule against attachments.

"Some like diplomatic solutions. Personally, I prefer aggressive negotiations." He smirks.

Without wasting any more time, we sprint from the ship to the door of the castle. The sight we are greeted with is horrifying. Savage Opress is carrying an unconscious Katuunko– better known as the king of Toydaria.

"At last." Obi Wan announces.

We run forward to two lifts that will take us to Savage's position. Obi Wan takes the right one and Anakin and I share the left. It takes us to the same level as Savage, who immediately jumps to attack Obi Wan.

I jump onto a nearby lift and use it to launch my attack on Savage. We engage in a quick duel while Katuunko regains consciousness. Anakin and Obi Wan leap to my position, where we pile on top of Savage to keep him down.

Amidst the fighting, Katuunko begins to make his escape. I watch him as I do my best to help Anakin and Obi Wan detain Savage. He is strong. Far stronger than anyone else I've ever had the pleasure of fighting.

Savage unexpectedly elbows me in the face, knocking me off of the lift.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Anakin shout from above.

This is like Geonosis all over again. Only this time I lack the companionship of Fives.

I hit the ground below with a strong impact. The next thing I know, everything goes black.

My heavy eyes drift open and I am greeted with a splitting pain at the back of my head

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My heavy eyes drift open and I am greeted with a splitting pain at the back of my head. I reach behind me to check for any sign of blood. I'm grateful when my hand returns clean. My left cheekbone is also throbbing from the collision of Savage's elbow with my face. I have no doubt there will be significant bruising. 

As my eyes completely regain focus, I realise that I am no longer in the Palace of Toydaria. By the motion I am feeling, I believe I am on a ship. Only it isn't the Republic ship I arrived here on with Anakin and Obi Wan. I reach for my lightsaber that should be clipped to my belt. It isn't there.

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