Chapter 62

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It has been a little over a month since the death of Duchess Satine. Obi Wan seems to be handling things much better now than when it first happened, but he chooses not to talk about it. He has come to Anakin and I a few times since it happened, only he never chose to talk about his feelings in depth.

The strangest part of the Mandalore chaos is that Maul has seemingly vanished. The Council has heard nothing of him since his attack, and no one has any idea when or if he will strike again.

Today, our task is focused on something not at all related to Maul. The Council has assigned the 501st with a good old-fashioned mission involving taking out some clankers. The location of this mission is Cato Neimoidia, where a massive Separatist air fleet is beginning their attack in an attempt to gain control of the sector.

Currently, Anakin, Ahsoka, Cal, and I are flying our Jedi interceptors, leading a squadron of starfighters. There's nothing I enjoy more than flying with some of the most important people in my life.

As we dodge Separatist fire, it quickly becomes clear that our choice of flying as a group is not effective. We're going to need a new tactic if we want to limit the attacks from the enemy.

"Anakin, we need to split up." I urge through the comlink system. "We may be able to dodge their attacks, but the starfighters can't."

"You're right, we have to get the fire away from the squadron. You and Cal go left and Ahsoka and I will go right." He plans.

"Roger roger." I say, jokingly mocking the dull battle droids I have become so used to fooling.

I quickly switch the comlink settings inside my interceptor to just communicate with Cal, not wanting to potentially distract Anakin and Ahsoka later on.

"On my signal, take a sharp left." I say.

"You got it." Cal replies.

"Ready...Now!" I order.

Cal and I veer our ships off course from Anakin and Ahsoka, prompting half of the starfighters to do the same. I look to the right to watch Anakin's bright, yellow interceptor drift further away from my own as we head toward the atmosphere of the planet. I don't like it when we are separated during dangerous tasks. We are both more than capable of handling ourselves, yes, but there is no denying that we work better together.

Cal lines his green interceptor up with my blue one as we clear a big enough space for the gunships to get through. They follow behind us as we speed ahead to ward off further attacks.

We dive down into the city of Cato Neimoidia to take out the Separatist fleet. This strategy of weaving around structures works for a little while, until the enemy deploys missiles aimed directly at us.

"Alright, Cal, we need to keep the squadron away from enemy missiles. Think we can handle it?" I ask through our comlink.

"I think we have it under control, Master." He says enthusiastically.

We dive downward and fly even closer to the structures of the city. Within a matter of seconds, all of the missiles are trailing me. I smirk as I realise the advantage this has given me.

I slow down my ship a little to allow for the missiles to gain on my position. I watch eagerly as they inch closer and closer. When they are just about on me, I send my interceptor straight upwards at full speed.

The missiles collide in a massive explosion. Knowing the Separatists, they would have something else planned with those missiles. With the size of the explosion, I know any back up plan would have been destroyed.

"Nice job, Master." Cal applauds.

"It was a team effort." Iaugh.

While caught up in the adrenaline associated with out-manouevring missiles, I completely overlook the absence of Anakin's presence in the Force. Something has happened, only I have no idea what.

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